Sergio Massa led the Forum of Latin American Parliamentarians against Terrorism on the occasion of the new anniversary of the AMIA attack


Sergio Massa led the Forum of Latin American Parliamentarians against Terrorism on the occasion of the new anniversary of the AMIA attack
Sergio Massa led the Forum of Latin American Parliamentarians against Terrorism on the occasion of the new anniversary of the AMIA attack

Sergio massa was responsible for launching the Forum of Latin American Parliamentarians Against Terrorism. The event, organized jointly between the Latin American Jewish Congress (CJL) and the National Chamber of Deputies, took place this afternoon and served as a commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the AMIA attack. In addition, for the first time, it had the participation of the speakers of the parliaments of the region, including the representatives of Mercosur.

The Lower House hosted the online meeting, the objective of which was generate and strengthen policies to combat the scourge of international terrorism.

At the start of the forum, Massa felt that the meeting involved “not only remembering the victims and continuing to fight for justice, but also expressing that our country’s will to fight terrorism, racism, hatred and discrimination it is not an individual wish, but a collective work with the parliaments. In this sense, the President of the Chamber of Deputies declared: “The fight against terrorism must be a collective work of Latin America.

“We are only a few hours away from turning 27 years after a terrorist act suffered not only by the mutual AMIA, but also by our region, perhaps one of the most serious terrorist acts suffered, c This is why the conviction promote today is very important. commitment to the joint work of parliaments and the strengthening of laws to fight terrorism“He added.

In his speech to the forum, the president of the lower house asked to work together “to regionalize the need to fight terrorism“And demanded to have” the ability to transform the search for justice, the end of impunity for those who perpetrated this terrorist act, into a banner that strengthens democracies in our region. “Strong democracies are those that stand out against terrorism,” he said.

The meeting, chaired by Massa, was held virtually
The meeting, chaired by Massa, was held virtually

Likewise, Massa declared that “against terrorism, against racism, against violence, against human rights violations, let us be firm in our parliaments of defend the word, the voice of the struggle, to preserve democracies in Latin America”.

Claudio Epelman, Director General of CJL, was responsible for opening the round of speakers. Second, he spoke Jack Terpin, president of the Latin American Jewish Congress. Then it was Massa’s turn to finish the opening with the words of Ariel Eichbaum, president of AMIA and one of the vice-presidents of CJL.

In addition to Massa, his peers were lecturers Arthur Lira (Brazil), Diego paulsen (Chile), Dulce Maria Sauri Riancho (Mexico -for the first time-), Pedro Alliana (Paraguay) and Alfredo Fratti (Uruguay). The event also had the special participation of the Argentine Ambassador to Israel, Sergio Urribarri.

President of the DAIA, Jorge Knoblovitz
President of the DAIA, Jorge Knoblovitz

One of the most important moments of the day was when Jorge Knoblovits, president of the DAIA and secretary general of the CJL, read a statement against terrorism. The document refers to July 18, 1994, when a car bomb exploded against the headquarters of Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina – AMIA, killing 85 and injuring more than 300.

“This was not the first international terrorist attack in Argentina: two years earlier, the target was the Israeli embassy, ​​where 29 people died. 27 years after the AMIA attack, the perpetrators of one of the biggest terrorist attacks in Latin American history are still at large. The Argentine justice has requested the extradition of Iranian citizens accused of being responsible for the organization, financing and execution of this attack. So far, no positive response has been obtained and the attack goes unpunished. “

Through the document, Congress participants declared: “Truth and justice are fundamental to building democratic, pluralist and progressive societies. Without Justice that punishes destruction, hatred and death, we are exposed to contempt for human rights and loss of Life and Freedom. Delivering justice not only repairs the damage done in the past, but also secures a future in freedom ”.

“The effective fight against terrorism requires the active collaboration of every member state of the international community. Supporting those who plan, finance and carry out terrorist actions constitutes an act of complicity in violation of international law», They added.

In this sense, they continued: “We are committed to fighting international terrorism, ensuring legal frameworks to protect the lives of citizens and safeguard the values ​​of peoples against the threat of destruction, hatred and death sown by terrorist organizations. In the same spirit, we also reject all forms of discrimination, racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism ”.

And they concluded: “We promise to strengthen democracy and its institutions so that attacks like the one against AMIA are not repeated.”.

Since 2007, the Latin American Jewish Congress has convened lawmakers from South American countries to pay tribute to the victims of the AMIA attack and to promote legislative initiatives with the aim of preventing terrorist acts from recurring in the region. More than 350 members of Latin American parliaments took part in these meetings held on the eve of the central act of commemoration of the attack.


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