famous brazilian dj beat his wife while she was breastfeeding


DJ beat his wife – gender violence – Brazil

Gender-based violence: famous Brazilian DJ beat his wife while she was breastfeeding

The Netherlands, who has a career as an influencer in social networks, denounced DJ Ivis for gender violence for the attack that took place 10 days ago in the house they both shared in the city of Fortaleza . In addition to the video, there is the testimony of the victim’s mother, who tried to protect her.

The arrest of DJ Ivis is “preventive” as the complaint of injuries in the context of gender violence, called domestic violence in Brazil, is under investigation, but in principle the man is said to have attempted to do so. apologize that since his wife had tested positive for coronavirus he did not want her to breastfeed his daughter.

Among other details, Holland explained in his complaint that his doctor had not forbidden him to breastfeed despite the coronavirus.

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