They released details of 911 calls after building collapsed in Miami


The investigation into the causes of the collapse of the northeast wing of the Champlain Towers South building, which contained 55 apartments, has already started, but promises to be long and complex.  EFE / Cristóbal Herrera / Archives
The investigation into the causes of the collapse of the northeast wing of the Tours Champlain Sud building, which contained 55 apartments, has already begun, but promises to be long and complex. EFE / Cristóbal Herrera / Archives

Miami-Dade County Police disclosed calls received to the 911 emergency line on the night of June 24, when the south tower of the Champlain buildings in Surfside collapsed.

“Looks like there was an earthquake here. The garage, the whole basement, it looks like everything blew up there “, is heard in one of the recordings. “A big blowThey say in another of the calls.

It is believed that the collapse of the slab itself in the pool area could have generated a sound similar to that of an explosion. Tons of concrete fell at the same time.

According to the Miami-Dade emergency management director, Franck Rollason, his office received “no information, no intelligence, and there was no discussion of any explosion that caused the collapse.”

However, Allyn Kilsheimer, the structural engineer hired by the Municipality of Surfside to investigate the collapse, told the local press that an explosion was on “his list of possibilities” about the causes of the building collapse.

AnywayEven if there was an explosion, no one is investigating any type of attack, so it would be something accidental and not provoked.

The remains of the building that collapsed a week after the initial collapse (Photo: REUTERS)
The remains of the building that collapsed a week after the initial collapse (Photo: REUTERS)

The other possibility considered is that there was an explosion linked to the gas connection. While there were proposals to connect natural gas to the building earlier in the year, there is no indication in property records that gas was connected to it at the time.

Federal investigators have not confirmed if this is a lead they are following, although according to press statements they will not exclude any hypothesis.

Some think something must have triggered the collapse. Landslides of this style are barely visible, regardless of the structural damage to the property. Others consider that bad bases They lead to the deterioration of the structure which over the years ends in collapse.

It is not known what caused the collapse and there will likely be no response for several months. At the moment, the only thing confirmed is that this tragedy claimed the lives of 97 people, 90 of whom have been identified. Eight people are still potentially missing, although authorities confirmed last week that there was no hope of finding anyone alive.

In the morning today the names of four new deaths have been released, including a teenager.

Michelle Ana Pazos, 23, Miriam Notkin, 81, and Mihai Radulescu, 82, were identified today and their bodies they were recovered last Friday. Valeria Barth, 14, was found dead last Sunday.

Read on:

Four more bodies from the Miami collapse have been identified and there are already 97 dead

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