This toilet turns excrement into cryptocurrency


But also, this smart toilet doesn’t just convert feces into energy. It also allows students to buy things just to use it.


If students fulfill their needs on this smart toilet, they will receive a virtual currency in return called Gool. Every student You can earn up to 10 Ggool per day and then invest it in purchasing various college products such as ready meals, fruit, books, or coffee.

According to Professor Cho Jae-weon, the average person defecates 500 grams per day, an amount that his system can convert into 50 liters of methane. This is capable of producing 0.5 kWh of electricity, enough to run, for example, a dishwasher or even a car for a short trip.

“If we think outside the box, human waste is valuable for energy production. I put this value into ecological circulation, ”smiles the South Korean scientist.

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