Kremlin documents confirm Vladimir Putin intervened in Donald Trump’s arrival at the White House


Presidents Trump and Putin at the Helsinki summit in 2018, at which they both categorically denied any Russian interference in the US elections.  REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque.
Presidents Trump and Putin at the Helsinki summit in 2018, at which they both categorically denied any Russian interference in the US elections. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque.

Vladimir Putin personally authorized a covert operation by three Kremlin spy agencies para apoyar un Donald Trump “Mentally unstable” win the 2016 election and reach the White House. This happened during a closed session of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation (Sovet Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii, SBRF) of 22 January 2016. All of this had since been suspected and corroborated by Western intelligence units, but the precise details are now known thanks to official Kremlin documents revealed this week by the prestigious British newspaper. The Guardian.

The report “N ° 32-04 vd”, classified, describes a meeting of the “siloviki”, the powerful men of the Kremlin who sit next to Putin in the “Sovbez” discuss the crucial questions of Russian politics, in which the best way to interfere in the internal affairs of the United States has been analyzed. “A Trump victory will certainly lead to the destabilization of the American socio-political system and will see discontent erupting,” said the report presented at the meeting. And he adds that Trump is the “most promising candidate” of the Kremlin “perspective”.

“A Trump victory will certainly lead to the destabilization of the American socio-political system and see discontent erupting,” the report said.

There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, which is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual suffering from an inferiority complex”. Also an apparent confirmation that the Kremlin has “Kompromat”, potentially compromising material on the future president, of previous “unofficial visits by Trump to the territory of the Russian Federation”. The document refers to “certain events” that have occurred during Trump’s trips to Moscow since the 1980s and a scandalous meeting in a hotel during the Miss Universe pageant.

Vladimir Putin chairs the Security Council meeting at which the decision was taken to intervene in favor of Trump in the US presidential elections in November 2016. Sputnik / Alexei Druzhinin / Kremlin.
Vladimir Putin chairs the Security Council meeting in which the decision was taken to intervene in favor of Trump in the US presidential elections in November 2016. Sputnik / Alexei Druzhinin / Kremlin.

“It is extremely necessary to use as much force as possible to facilitate your choice. [de Trump] as President of the United States», Specifies the document. The “siloviki” agreed that a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, including the “social unrest” in the United States and the weakening of the negotiating position of the American president. Document signed by Putin emerged from meeting ordering three Russian intelligence agencies to find “Practical means” to support Trump during his campaign. At the time, Trump was the frontrunner for the Republican Party primaries nomination and the report presented recommended to use “all possible force” to guarantee a victory to the billionaire because in this way the most favorable “theoretical political scenario” for Russia would be achieved.

Despite the fact that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assured yesterday that the idea that the Russian leadership had met and agreed to support Trump was “A great pulp fiction”, there is no doubt that the January 2016 meeting took place. An official photo from the occasion shows Putin at the head of the table, seated between the flags of the Russian Federation and under a double-headed golden eagle. In attendance were then Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and veteran Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Also present were Sergei Choïgou, Minister of Defense in charge of the GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency; Mikhail Fradkov, then head of the Russian foreign intelligence service SVR; and Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the FSB’s spy agency. Nikolai Patrushev, the former director of the FSB, was also present as secretary of the security council.

“It is extremely necessary to use as much force as possible to make your choice easier. [de Trump] as President of the United States

According to the official press release, on this occasion, issues related to the economy and the situation in Moldova were discussed. But, in reality, all the members of the council received the document with the long and boring title: “Report on the strengthening of the state and the stabilization of the position of Russia under conditions of external economic restriction”. Inside precise and hidden personality analysis candidate Trump and maneuvers that could be carried out to help it take control of enemy power. The ultimate goal was to lift the sanctions then weighing on the Russian economy that Washington had imposed in response to the annexation of Crimea.

Kremlin intelligence hackers have taken to social media to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign and support her rival, Donald Trump.  REUTERS / Kacper Pempel / File Photo
Kremlin intelligence hackers have taken to social media to undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign and support her rival, Donald Trump. REUTERS / Kacper Pempel / File Photo

The author of the document appears to be Vladimir Symonenko, the senior official in charge of the Kremlin’s expert department, which provides Putin with analytical documents and reports, some of which are based on foreign intelligence. The documents indicate that On January 14, 2016, Symonenko distributed a three-page summary with the conclusions and recommendations of his team. In an order signed two days later, Putin asked then-foreign policy chief Alexander Manzhosin to call a closed-door Security Council briefing. His goal was to continue studying the document, says the order. Manzhosin had five days to make the preparations.

What was said inside the hall on the second floor of the Kremlin Senate building is unknown. But the document speaks of a strategy of interference in American democracy, formulated in terms of “Self-defense justified”. He cites several steps the Kremlin could take in response to what he sees as hostile acts by Washington. The document exposes several American weaknesses. Between them, the “political divide which is widening between the left and the right”, the “media-informative” space in the United States and “the dissenting environment of President Barack Obama”.

The document does not name Hillary Clinton, Trump’s 2016 rival, who turned out to be the hardest hit by the Kremlin’s actions. Although he suggests the use of media resources to undermine major American political figures and presidential candidates. There are paragraphs on how Russia could insert “media viruses” into social networks that could be “self-sufficient and self-replicating”. “It would change the consciousness of the masses, especially in certain groups,” he said.

Detail of one of the pages of the internal Kremlin document revealed by the investigation of the Guardian newspaper.
Detail of one of the pages of the internal Kremlin document revealed by the investigation of the Guardian newspaper.

After the meeting, according to another leaked document, Putin issued a decree creating a new secret intergovernmental commission. Its urgent task was to achieve the objectives established in the “special part” of document no. 32-04 vd. Among the members of the new working group were Shoigu, who would be the chairman, Fradkov and Bortnikov. The decree – “ukaz” in Russian – said that the group should take concrete action against the United States as soon as possible. These were justified on national security grounds and in accordance with a 2010 federal law 390-FZ, which allows the council to formulate state security policy.

According to the document, Each spy agency has been assigned a role. The Minister of Defense was responsible for coordinating the work of the subdivisions and services. Shoigu was also responsible for collecting and systematizing the necessary information and “Prepare measures to act in the information environment of the object”, an order apparently intended to hack sensitive US cyber targets identified by the SVR. This intelligence agency has also been ordered to gather additional information to support the commission’s activities. The FSB was given the role of counterintelligence. Putin approved the document, dated January 22, 2016, which his foreign ministry sealed.

Three weeks later, the GRU hackers they raided the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers and published thousands of private emails in an attempt to undermine Hillary Clinton’s election campaign. In October 2016, Obama called Putin to tell him that his interference in the elections was “an act of war.” Special Advocate Robert Mueller’s 2019 report called the Kremlin operation a “Complete and systematic.” In 2020, the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee said it had been “Aggressive and multifaceted”. And they detailed a series of meetings between GRU spy Konstantin Kilimnik and Trump campaign leader Paul Manafort to coordinate actions. Manafort provided Kilimnik with confidential information about the competition and its rivals. Then, while Trump was already installed as president, at the 2018 Helsinki summit with Putin, the two presidents they categorically denied any intervention in the elections.

But published documents now contradict that claim. They show that the Russian president, his intelligence chiefs and his most senior ministers were intimately involved in one of the most important and daring spy operations of the 21st century: A Conspiracy to Help Bring “Mentally Unstable” Trump to the White House.

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