Solá denied Bullrich: “To hurt, they say anything”


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cult of the Nation, Felipe Solá, refuse Patricia bullrich after throwing a fake news as part of Moderna’s donation of 3.5 million vaccines to fight COVID-19[female[feminine flown by the United States and arrived in Argentina on Friday evening. In addition to calling her a liar, he accused her of communicating false information seeking to “do harm”. Once again, by misinforming about the biggest health crisis in history, he continues to attack public health in times of pandemic.

First of all, a few hours ago the leader and chairman of the PRO, who won the candidacy in the province of Buenos Aires in the face of the next elections, wrote on his social networks: “Did it take them 8 months to listen to us?” How long have we been insisting that we receive the vaccine donation?. And he said, pointing to the current administration: “This government, with its ‘let’s see’ policy, is always behind with the measures Argentines need.”

Against this, Alone He did not hesitate to show his anger and defend the government led by the president of the nation, Alberto Fernández. “Bullrich is lying. The United States did not announce until June that they would donate vaccines to Latin America. It’s amazing to have to clarify it but some to do wrong say anything.”, he pulled, quoting the original tweet. Recall that the United States has confirmed that it will start giving vaccines a little over a month ago and that the first major delivery was presented by the President Joe biden, June 3.

The message on their social networks:

After several months of promises, the US government has launched the campaign to distribute all the vaccines it will not use to immunize its country. Millions of doses will be distributed in Latin America and the Caribbean. The first delivery, mentioned earlier, was 25 million doses. Of these, 19 million were sent to different countries by the Covax mechanism promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Some of the countries that received vaccines, in addition to Argentina, were: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Over 7 million doses will go to Asian countries: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan and the Pacific Islands . After these deliveries, more than 5 million doses will be destined for Africa and the countries “will be selected in coordination with the African Union”.

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