They detected the first traveler from Santa Fe with the Delta variant


After the completion of the insulation relevant in a hotel in the city of Buenos Aires and subjected to an adequate medical examination, he subsequently obtained the epidemiological high.

From the Santa Fe health portfolio, they reminded the population that to avoid the introduction and spread of this new worrying variant, All travelers from overseas must arrive in the country with a PCR test performed 72 hours before travel..

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Once in the country, they will be tested again at Ezeiza airport And, in the event of a negative result, you must respect strict isolation – that is to say without contact with people who have not traveled – at your home or any other place intended for him for 7 days.

During this period, it was recalled, they will be monitored for the possibility that they have exhibited symptoms and a new PCR test will be performed, and isolation can be completed if it is negative.

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