“If there is violence and vandalism, there will be the police”: Claudia López after the security council in Bogotá


This Saturday the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, with the Interior and Defense Ministers, Daniel Palacios and Diego Molano, but also accompanied by the high command of the Police and the Army, she headed the security council on the demonstrations of July 20.

“I want to reiterate to Colombians that Bogotá is the city where they will always be received with affection, with hope, to study, work or express their voice. Bogotá is the capital of all Colombians and anyone who wants to come to our city in a peaceful way will always be welcome ”, commented the president at the end of the board.

There, he thanked the National Unemployment Commission for the announcement it made of the tabling of several bills in the Congress of the Republic on the questions and proposed demands it has been making for several months.

“The strike committee concluded that it is not the force, in fact, in the streets, but the force of democratic deliberation in Congress that will allow us to reach a national consensus on different issues”, Lopez said.

“Bogota protects, accompanies, dialogues and agrees with the legitimate peaceful mobilization but if what exists is violence and vandalism, there will be police officers and prosecutors to capture and prosecute those who try to delegitimize the peaceful mobilization and also disturb the tranquility “, Claudia López.

Regarding the marches of July 20, the mayor indicated that at the district guarantee table, they will meet with several leaders of social groups who are behind the demonstration to coordinate the activities planned that day in the district. capital city. “Monday at eleven o’clock in the morning, we will coordinate with the various spokespersons of the social organizations of youth and of the strike committee the activities which they wish to carry out in a peaceful manner”added.

He also called on citizens who plan to go out and demonstrate, to take into account biosecurity protocols to avoid massive contagion of covid-19. “We can never break the collective care pact again for weeks, one thing is to have a day of mobilization and another to last for weeks”said the mayor.

The meeting also coordinated the protection that will be enjoyed by the public transport system, which will be protected and monitored so that they are not in danger. “We are duly coordinated and organized to mitigate, contain and prosecute any attempted violent infiltration or legitimate social mobilization vandalism”Claudia López pointed out.

For his part, Interior Minister Daniel Palacios said that on July 20 they will focus on ensuring the security and coexistence of all Colombians during this day and that the national government and the Ministry of the Interior will publish a circular in the coming hours for all the governors and mayors of the country where we reiterate all the measures established in Decree 003 to guarantee peaceful protest.

“We want to be very clear that Colombian law and our penal system have no differentiation in procedural matters, for those who claim to be members of an organization where there is no differentiation between the first , second or third subjects, here the law everyone and anyone who commits a crime will be prosecuted ”, remarked Palacios.

He added that to guarantee the celebration of Independence and especially the installation of the Congress of the Republic on July 20, measures have been adopted to ensure the smooth running and security of the installation of the Congress.

See here the statements:


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