Chile: left and right alliances elect their presidential candidates in primaries


The six cards of the two most traditional blocks of Chilean politics clash today in the primaries.
The six cards of the two most traditional blocks of Chilean politics clash today in the primaries.

This Sunday the primary elections take place in Chile select two candidates who will compete in the presidential election scheduled for November 21 in this country.

In all, there are 14,627,497 people in Chile and 65,936 abroad who are allowed to vote in this first process, which aims to choose between four candidates from the right and two from the left with two names (one per block) which will reach the main ballot in November.

The two Chilean political conglomerates who will lead an internal dispute to choose their only representative are the Chile Vamos pact (list A), composed mainly of the right-wing parties National Renovation (RN), Independent Democratic Union (UDI) and Political Evolution (Evópoli) and the alliance of on the left I approve of dignity (List B), on your mind for the Communist Party (PC) and the Large Front, in addition to other social and independent currents.

The citizens without political affiliation rThey will receive a ballot with the six names in dispute and can choose any of them.

In the event that an elector is registered with a political party, You can vote in the primary of the alliance that integrates it. Just for this luck Those who are affiliated with political parties will not be able to vote which are not part of these two conglomerates.

The names of the alliance I approve of dignity

Daniel Jadue, candidate of the Communist Party.
Daniel Jadue, candidate of the Communist Party.

For the pact to endorse dignity they compete two names to get to the November ballot: the activist of the Communist Party Daniel Jadû, and the deputy Gabriel Boric, representing the Social Convergence Party (CS).

Daniel Jadue is a renowned politician, architect and sociologist of Palestinian origin and he is also mayor of the municipality of Recoleta, located in Santiago, since 2012. According to surveys, he is the main favorite to be the next ruler of Chile.

Among the main features of its program, Jadue promised to impose a mining tax in a future government to increase state revenues and it has shown itself ready to make substantial changes to the Chilean pension system.

In addition, pledged to subsidize small and medium-sized businesses to cope with rising minimum wages. You also mentioned the possibility of regulate the structure of the media so that they do not have a “vertical integration” like companies.

The candidate Gabriel Boric.
The candidate Gabriel Boric.

Enfrenta to Gabriel Boric, who at 35 is already a protagonist in Chilean politics with presidential aspirations. The deputy is from the city of Punta Arenas and he is the youngest name on the ballot for these primaries.

Among the strengths of its program, Boric proposed to re-found the Carabineros de Chile as civilian police in favor of human rights, in addition to promising an economic and health recovery through a national health care system, a mental health plan and job transformation so you can ensure greater democratic participation and worker parity in business directories.

He also put on the table the possibility of a tax on the “super rich” of the country.

The names of the pact of Chile Vamos

The presidential candidate of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI) party, Joaquín Lavín.
The presidential candidate of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI) party, Joaquín Lavín.

In the primary of the right-wing alliance “Chile Vamos” 4 candidates compete, men with long political and economic trajectories: Joaquín Lavin, Ignacio Briones, Sebastián Sichel and Mario Desbordes.

Joaquín Lavín is a renowned politician, supporter of Augusto Pinochet during the Chilean military dictatorship and member of Opus Dei. This is his third attempt to reach La Moneda and, according to polls, it positions itself in the second place of preferences for access to power.

In his program, he proposed a decentralized bourgeois cabinet, pensions of a minimum of $ 250,000 (USD 330) for those over 80, adding a floor of $ 177,000 ($ 234) for those who belong to the most vulnerable 60% of the country. He also promised increase the resources of municipalities and regional governments, if you can get to La Moneda.

Mario Desbordes entering the Palacio de La Moneda, in Santiago.
Mario Desbordes entering the Palacio de La Moneda, in Santiago.

Another candidate who is part of the Chili Vamos block is Mario Desbordes, former rifleman and former Minister of Defense in this second term of Piñera, who also He was president of the National Renewal Party (RN), of which he left the post last June.

Among his proposals for a possible government is end the CAE, whose credit has financed and indebted thousands of students university students. Further, he argued that the levels of legitimacy and trust in the riflemen must be increased reform the state intelligence system.

The third letter from Chile Vamos is the former Minister of Social Development of Piñera, Sebastián Sichel, who was president of BancoEstado, and this time he presents himself as independent in the internal struggle of this conglomerate.

The independent letter of the block Chile Vamos, Sebastián Sichel.
The independent letter of the block Chile Vamos, Sebastián Sichel.

Among its main proposals, it emerges that, in the first 100 days of his eventual government, the bureaucracy would decrease, in addition to freeing the business and improving the protection network.

Regarding pensions, Sichel proposed a strengthened individual retirement savings system, where there will be the possibility of choosing the type of administrator that the contributor wishes, in addition to creating a solidarity fund whose vocation will be to collect annual contributions from the State to ensure its balance.

Ignacio Briones was a former finance minister in Sebastián Piñera's current second term.
Ignacio Briones was a former finance minister in Sebastián Piñera’s current second term.

Finally, as the fourth card in this block, is also the former Minister of Finance of Piñera Ignacio Briones. He is a renowned commercial engineer and activist economist of the Evópoli political party.

Among his proposals for a possible government, Briones said he plans to end inequalities in pensions, health and education, promote tourism, decentralization and the use of renewable energies. In addition, he proposed a minimum income which will be guaranteed by a decreasing contribution as the recipient’s income increases, with a cap of up to $ 550,000 ($ 727).


Polls in Chile: the names leading the preferences for the December elections
The presidential race has started in Chile: who are the candidates on the starting line

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