The reason Boris Johnson did not isolate himself despite his close contact with COVID-19


FILE PHOTO: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walks outside Downing Street, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in London, Britain April 14, 2021. REUTERS / John Sibley / File Photo
FILE PHOTO: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walks outside Downing Street, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in London, Britain April 14, 2021. REUTERS / John Sibley / File Photo

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, covid-19 contact case, You will have to isolate yourself but only when you are not working because you are participating in a pilot program of daily tests, Downing Street announced untimely news on Sunday on the eve of the almost total lifting of restrictions in England.

Johnson and Finance Minister Rishi Sunak “They were contacted by the public health service because they were in contact with a person who tested positive for covid”the British Prime Minister’s Office said.

Health Minister Sajid Javid announced on Saturday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Johnson and Sunak shouldn’t isolate themselves completely because they “participate in a pilot daily test program” which “allows them to continue working in Downing Street”.

“They only deal with essential government business during this time.”, said the spokesperson.

Boris Johnson announced the almost total lifting on Monday of restrictions that remained in force in England (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Boris Johnson announced the almost total lifting on Monday of restrictions that remained in force in England (PHOTO: REUTERS)

The UK is one of the countries in Europe hardest hit by COVID-19, with more than 128,000 deaths, and infections have been on the rise for weeks, surpassing 54,000 daily cases on Saturday.

Despite these figures, Boris Johnson announced the almost complete lifting on Monday of restrictions that remained in place in England, in particular the obligation to wear a mask or social distancing, advocating rather the “individual responsibility” of each.


No more mandatory indoor masks and no longer being able to cuddle friends. England lifts restrictions on COVID-19 on Monday, but in the face of the surge in infections caused by the Delta variant, his “day of freedom” is marked by calls for caution.

“We believe that the time has come to proceed, when we have the natural firewall” summer, with closed schools and outdoor gatherings of people, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, confirming the end of most legal impositions due to the pandemic.

England approaching lack of refinement (PHOTO: EFE)
England approaching lack of refinement (PHOTO: EFE)

One of the European countries most affected by the coronavirus, with 128,500 deaths, the UK has seen its economy hit hard by successive lockdowns, with GDP falling nearly 10% in 2020.

The state spent more than $ 554,000 million to cushion the blow, at the cost of a record public deficit.

Faced with increasing pressure from part of your Conservative Party, the government decided to reopen completely on the basis of its successful vaccination campaign: two-thirds of the 55 million adults have already received two doses and the vaccines have been shown to be effective against the majority of hospitalizations and deaths.

Thus, in the last stage of a long and slow deconfinement started in March, the slogan of teleworking will be lifted, nightlife venues will be able to reopen and theaters and stadiums will receive their full capacity.

Masks in the London Underground will be mandatory (PHOTO: EFE)
Masks in the London Underground will be mandatory (PHOTO: EFE)

Masks in closed places and social distancing will also cease to be mandatory, Decisions criticized by leading experts at a time when new cases of the most contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus are approaching 50,000 a day and threaten to reach 100,000 this summer.

This “strategy of mass infection risks undermining efforts to fight the pandemic not only in the UK but also in other countries,” a group of scientists including Walter Ricciardi and Michael Baker warned on Friday, advising Italian and New Zealand health. ministries, noting the risk of developing new vaccine-resistant variants.

(With information from AFP)


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