UK government adviser warned it was “almost inevitable” for the country to hit 100,000 daily coronavirus cases due to the Delta variant


The UK has seen an increase in infections due to the high spread of the Delta variant (EFE / EPA / ANDY RAIN)
The UK has seen an increase in infections due to the high spread of the Delta variant (EFE / EPA / ANDY RAIN)

British government adviser Neil Ferguson has estimated “almost inevitable” that the country will reach 100,000 infections and 1,000 daily hospitalizations for coronavirus given the spread of the contagious variant Delta and the reopening of the country which will begin this Monday.

“I find it hard to say for safety but I think 100,000 cases a day are going to be almost inevitable,” said the professor at Imperial College London, BBC, at a time when the country registers about half, although experts warn that this new wave has not yet reached its peak.

“I also think it is almost certain that we will reach 1,000 hospitalizations per day, but that is not the real question. The question is whether we will end up doubling these estimates, because that’s when the crystal ball starts to fail. “, he said.

“We could reach 2,000 hospitalizations and 200,000 infections per day, but I am much less sure,” he added.

The country recorded 54,674 cases and 41 daily deaths from the coronavirus on Saturday. Almost 4,000 patients are hospitalized, including 551 under assisted ventilation.

In this context, the vaccination campaign continues to be essential to contain the spread of the Delta variant. This Sunday, The UK government has said it has already applied the covid-19 vaccine to all adults in the country, 68% of whom are fully immune and 88% have received their first dose..

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, adviser to the UK government (REUTERS TV via REUTERS)
Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, adviser to the UK government (REUTERS TV via REUTERS)

The government is set to lift the last legal restrictions on the pandemic in England tomorrow, Monday, as daily cases of the coronavirus across the UK surpass 50,000 for the first time in six months due to of the predominant delta variant, which is more transmissible.

According to the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, the goal of the national immunization program, which the Conservative leader called an “extraordinary achievement”, has been achieved.

Since the start of the vaccination program in December 2020, Over 46 million people in the UK as a whole have received at least one dose of the preparation.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health confirms that no decision has been taken on the advisability of systematically offering minors between 12 and 17 years of age the vaccine against covid-19.

British Sunday Sunday Telegraph reported today that the so-called parliamentary committee on vaccination and immunization reportedly advised Johnson’s cabinet against opting for a mass immunization program for all children in the country until there is more scientific evidence on the possible risks.

According to the newspaper, it is expected that next week official guidelines will be released advising that the vaccine be offered only to vulnerable minors between the ages of 12 and 15 and those who turn 18 in a three-month period.

The UK has already applied at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine to the entire adult population (REUTERS / Henry Nicholls)
The UK has already applied at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine to the entire adult population (REUTERS / Henry Nicholls)

Last February, Boris Johnson promised that the first dose of the vaccine would be offered to all adults in the country by the end of July, while the chief of health, Sajid Javid indicated last month that the executive aspired to have two thirds of the National. fully immunized adult population before 19.

No more mandatory indoor masks and no longer being able to cuddle friends. England lifts restrictions on COVID-19 on Monday, but ahead of the surge in Delta variant infections, his “freedom day” is marked by calls for caution.

“We believe that the time has come to proceed, when we have the natural firewall” summer, with closed schools and outdoor gatherings of people, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, confirming the end of most legal impositions due to the pandemic.

One of the European countries most affected by the coronavirus, with 128,500 deaths, the UK has seen its economy hit hard by successive lockdowns, with GDP falling nearly 10% in 2020.

England is approaching deconfinement (EFE / EPA / ANDY RAIN)
England is getting closer to deconfinement (EFE / EPA / ANDY RAIN)

The state spent more than $ 554,000 million to cushion the blow, at the cost of a record public deficit.

Faced with increasing pressure from part of your Conservative Party, the government decided to reopen completely on the basis of its successful vaccination campaign: two-thirds of the 55 million adults have already received two doses and the vaccines have been shown to be effective against the majority of hospitalizations and deaths.

Thus, in the last stage of a long and slow deconfinement started in March, the slogan of teleworking will be lifted, nightlife venues will be able to reopen and theaters and stadiums will receive their full capacity.

With information from Europa Press, AFP and EFE


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