‘Neo-Nazi’ group in Bogotá sabotaged painted stairs in honor of LGBTI victims


This July 18, Bogota City Councilor Luis Carlos Leal denounces discriminatory attack on LGBTI community and a symbol he had recently painted. According to the politician, a radical group of neo-Nazis painted the staircase of diversity, located in the north of the capital.

As part of an artistic expression, the staircase located in 89th street with seventh race, in Bogotá, They were painted with the LGBTI flag and even Councilor Leal had called a ceremony on July 14 to complete the painting in a symbolic act.

“We have officially finished the LGBTIQ + flag on Calle 89 with Carrera 7a in Bogotá”, Leal said the day they finished painting the diversity stairs.

Through social networks, the counselor denounced the vandalism attack and showed the photos of the stairs that woke up with white spots and discriminatory sentences.

The act of hatred was committed by a group of neo-Nazis calling themselves CRN (Comando Radical Nacionalista), who painted their initials on one of the stairs.

In addition to the discriminatory sentences, in the act of discrimination they left the initials “CRN” painted on the wall.

With this hateful message, a group of Colombian neo-Nazis are trying to intimidate the LGBTI community.
With this hateful message, a group of Colombian neo-Nazis are trying to intimidate the LGBTI community.

“I reject the violent and discriminatory attitude towards the LGTBIQ + population, we will continue to fight for equality and our rights”The adviser wrote on social media where he also posted a statement.

In the text, Leal assured that the stairs of diversity were born as a commemoration of the victims of the hatred of the LGBTI community. According to official figures, between 2019 and 2002, there were 181 victims of violence because of their sexual orientation.

Likewise, the politician urged the population and citizens of the capital to reject this type of discriminatory acts and any moment of violence.

This is the full statement:

The panorama of the rights of the LGBTI + community in Colombia is grim, according to a report submitted by the Ombudsman’s office a few days to commemorate the pride day in the country.

During the period 2020-2021, they were murdered 98 people from this community, as reported by the entity, which for the director of the entity, Carlos Camargo Assis “It is unacceptable that acts of violence continue to be committed against this population.

Detailed statistics indicate that last year there were 77 homicides and femicides of this population.

In addition, most of these acts of violence were recorded in the services of the Colombian Caribbean, with 28 cases; followed by Antioquia, with 15; Valle del Cauca, with 8; Eje Cafetero, with 7, and in other parts of the country a total of 19 cases.

Among these victims, those who suffered the most serious violence due to prejudice were transgender women (27 cases); homosexuals (14); lesbian women (8), a transgender man and in 27 cases sexual orientation and gender identity not identified.

In the first 5 months of this year, a total of 21 people of this population lost their lives: in the Cauca Valley (4 cases), Magdalena and Atlantico (6); Caesar and Sugar (4), Bogota (2), Córdoba, Bolívar, Quindío, Caldas and Tolima with one case in each department. And the main victims are still transgender women, with 15 murders, including 13 under 35..

Asked about this situation, the official reiterated the appeal to the competent authorities so that: “Those responsible for these criminal acts receive exemplary sentences, and national and territorial entities so that promote inclusive training that breaks down prejudices against people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities», Concluded the Defender Camargo.


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