Money transfers, internet access and more diplomats in Cuba: the axes of the plan that the United States is analyzing for the island


Archive image of a Cuban flag hanging on a street in central Havana (Photo: REUTERS)
Archive image of a Cuban flag hanging on a street in central Havana (Photo: REUTERS)

The US government announced on Monday that it was studying the possibility of re-authorizing the sending of funds to Cuba as well as the transfer of more diplomatic personnel to the island., two measures with which the president Joe biden would overturn the decisions of his predecessor, Donald Trump (2017-2021).

These are measures Biden decided on explore following the protests that took place in Cuba July 11, the most important for several decades, as detailed to the agencies EFE, PA Yes Reuters White House officials.

The officials’ comments further noted that Biden was unwilling to soften Washington’s approach after his predecessor, Donald Trump., pushed back a historic detente of former President Barack Obama with Havana, and that the latest riots would have a significant impact on any policy change.

The officials, who spoke with Reuters on condition of anonymity, they also clarified that Washington looks for ways to alleviate the humanitarian situation of the populations Cuban while maintaining pressure on the island government.

In the package of measures highlights the formation of a “Remittances Working Group” which will aim to “identify the most effective way” for the money “to reach the hands of the Cuban people”.

Trump in November last year banned the sending of funds to Cuba, a measure with which the United States the island’s economic drowning has increased rapidly and which Biden occupied during his first six months in office.

United States President Joe Biden (Photo: EFE)
United States President Joe Biden (Photo: EFE)

Another of the measures announced on Monday by the Biden government and under consideration is the transfer of more staff to the US Embassy in Havana in order to “facilitate diplomatic, consular and civil society participation” and also for “security” reasons.

It would be another setback to the decisions of Trump, who emptied the embassy of staff after accusing the Cuban regime of being responsible for the mysterious attacks on some officials that occurred between 2016 and 2017.

In addition to remittances and diplomatic personnel, Biden also ordered his government to work with the private sector and Congress to make the internet “more accessible” in Cuba, something the president had already anticipated last week.

Likewise, the president announced that his government will continue its tax policy. Economic sanctions against Cuban officials.

“There will certainly be political implications following the events of last week (…) I hope that in a short time there will be high level communication from the government on the first stepsSaid an official who declined to provide details.

Finally, The White House announced that it would “step up” diplomatic efforts with its regional and international allies to support the so-called “aspirations of the Cuban people.” and that it will promote the sending of “humanitarian aid” to the island.

During his first six months in office, Biden showed no rush to keep his election promise to relaunch the thaw with Cuba, and has, in fact, given signs that its policy towards the island will be Stronger provided that.

(With information from EFE, AP and Reuters)

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