“I ask for the fidelity of this city”


The proclaimed President-elect of Peru, Pedro Castillo, delivered his first speech minutes after the National Election Jury (JNE) reject appeals and disputes and declare him as the first legitimate president, without fraud.

“This is not the result of a year-long struggle, but rather it is an exploit which was undertaken many years ago, “Castillo said, and appealed to” the loyalty of this people “to” make a more just and sovereign country “.

“It will be a government in which no one will be left behind. Bring your differences, but with loyalty and dignity. And know that we won’t let them steal a dime“remarked Castillo from a balcony of the Peru Libre party headquarters in Lima, in front of thousands of worshipers.

The president-designate called for “unity to open the door” to the next Peruvian bicentenary “with all its differences, with its problems”, and stressed that “Peru comes first, you come first, first the Peruvian race“.

Castillo, who will officially assume on July 28, has shown his already iconic hat and he was escorted by the vice-elected, Dina Boluarte.

The celebrations of the Peruvian left who supported Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru.  AFP photo

The celebrations of the Peruvian left who supported Pedro Castillo, in Lima, Peru. AFP photo

“I bring an open heart to each of you. I trust you and ask for the loyalty of this people; I also ask for the effort and the sacrifice that we will share together in this fight for make a people more just and more sovereignSaid the teacher unionist from the Peruvian left who is coming to power.

Then, speaking directly to the now former Popular Force candidate, Keiko Fujimori, he asked do not put “After barriers in this journey, no more obstacles to move this country forward. “

“Welcome to this space to make a government of all, without discrimination, without looking askance at the disabled, Afro-Peruvians, Quechuas, Aymara, all ethnic groups, ”he declared.

Some time before his first speech as president-elect, Castillo thanked the “Peruvian people” in a message on his Twitter account for the “historic triumph”.

“The time has come to call on all sectors of society to build together, in this bicentenary, an inclusive Peru, a just Peru, a Free Peru. Without discrimination and for rights and all, ”added in this message, the candidate who was questioned by ultra-conservative positions on issues such as abortion or the rights of sexual minorities.

And he went on to call “the Afro, coastal, Andean and Amazonian peoples, the working class and their unions, the indigenous and peasant communities and all of society to make this homeland beautiful.”

Greetings from Cristina Kirchner

Argentine Vice President Cristina Kirchner greeted the proclaimed President of Peru via Twitter.

“All our congratulations to Pedro Castillo, who was finally proclaiming today the elected president of Peru ”, launched the tweet.

“We wish you A lot of success in its management and we send a big hug to the dear Peruvian people, ”the post concluded.

Alberto Fernández also sent his message, although with the peculiarity of retweeting: he has resurfaced a controversial publication he made on June 10 when Castillo had not yet been confirmed as the winner of the elections.

Congratulations also came from the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.

“In this new political cycle that is opening, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, congratulates the elected President of the Republic of Peru, Pedro Castillo Terrones, and his Free Peru party, I wish you a lot of wisdom at the time of assuming the direction of the destinies of this sister and beloved nation, ”the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

In the text, the Maduro administration expresses “its firm desire to work hand in hand with the new government of Peru, in order to develop a bilateral relationship of comprehensive cooperation“.

Source: Telam.



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