Pedro Castillo to be Peru’s next president: influences, campaign promises and priorities his government will have


Pedro Castillo (Europa Press)
Pedro Castillo (Europa Press)

The national electoral jury proclaimed Pedro Castillo, new president of Peru. Leftist politician beaten at the polls Keiko Fujimori by a small difference and, in this way, will rule the country for the next five years.

This result was expected for weeks But the slowness of the counting of the acts observed by the representatives (interventores) at the table as well as by the authorities of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), prevented prior confirmation.

For its part, the Election Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) ruled out the existence of “serious irregularities” in the Peruvian elections, contrary to what the candidate Fujimori denounced, who lost in the count of the votes.

This was reported in a statement by the head of the mission, the former Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ruben Ramírez Lezcano, who pointed out that in all the meetings he had during his work “observed a positive electoral process“In which they were recorded”substantial improvements between the first and second round”.

Likewise, the diplomat noted that “the mission did not detect any serious irregularities”.

Pedro Castillo’s plan

Pedro Castillo with his supporters (REUTERS / Liz Tasa)
Pedro Castillo with his supporters (REUTERS / Liz Tasa)

Before the poll, Castillo tried to distance himself from certain orientations of his own party, whose government plan shows a proximity to the doctrine of “21st century socialism”.

The Free Peru plan was signed by the party’s founder, Vladimir Cerrón, a controversial former governor of an Andean region who was suspended from his post on a criminal conviction, accused of abusing his post. He is a representative of the hard line and the bench of more than 30 elected officials of Congress is closer to his positions.

The one who will rule is meCastillo clarified, after rejecting the “ideology” presented and signed by Cerrón before the national election jury, as well as the radical left views of other members of his political party.

The show was written before the coronavirus pandemic broke out, so does not contain any mention of the disease or measures to combat it. Yes, on the other hand, they have the bases of a position which is defined as marxist and leninist, in line with the other leftist regimes in the region.

Support for the Latin American Left Axis

The document cites several times to leaders like Fidel Castro and the bolivian Alvaro Garcia Linera, but one of the most mentioned is the Ecuadorian Rafael Correa. In addition, he does not skimp on the appointment of other leaders, some of whom are considered dictators for their human rights violations.

“Presidents Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Néstor Kirchner, Cristina Fernández, Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff, Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro, Manuel Zelaya, Daniel Ortega and Pepe Mujica were at the highest point of the Latin America. integration, based on sovereign principles, ”says Cerrón in his document. As pointed out, the group “gave dignity to the continent“, but Peru”unfortunately it was always a disappointment of these attempts”.

A woman with flags in support of Castillo (REUTERS / Angela Ponce)
A woman with flags in support of Castillo (REUTERS / Angela Ponce)

Opposition to the United States and imperialism

The anti-imperialist tone is maintained throughout the document. “The United States has devised a political, legal, economic, commercial, financial, media and military plan for the dependence of our countries under its design, creating for this purpose many seemingly democratic supranational institutions,” Cerrón said.

In this plane, criticizes the Organization of American States (OAS), an organization to which neither Cuba nor Venezuela belong. “It constitutes an organ of geopolitical control of Latin America and the Caribbean (…) under the protection or in indifference of the coups d’etat have been ratified in several countries while strictly respecting the orders of the United States” , explains Cerrón, who rather recalls his preference for the Commonwealth of American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

Peru Libre’s secretary general also makes harsh comments against NGOs, international arbitration centers and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, among other multilateral organizations.

Drafting of a new Constitution

Castillo, who won the support of poor regions, he proclaimed during his campaign that if he wins the presidency, he will call a referendum in search of the rewrite of the political constitution give the state a more dominant role in the economy. A path followed by Venezuela (1999), Ecuador (2008) and Bolivia (2009). Chile is also currently following it, through a Constituent Assembly.

In this plane, Castillo did not stray to a large extent from the party’s original plan. Indeed, in the alliance he signed with the leftist Verónika Mendoza, they indicated that they would seek “a new social pact” through a new Constitution drawn up by a “People’s Assembly”.

What is in doubt is how Magna Carta will be tempted to change. “We will respect this political constitution until the people decide it by referendum, until the people express their will, so that what comes from the people», He indicated. But the legal framework is not straightforward for the path Peru Libre seeks.

A supporter of Castillo (REUTERS / Angela Ponce)
A supporter of Castillo (REUTERS / Angela Ponce)

Advance on the media

While in Venezuela there are many complaints of persecution against freedom of expression, a plan like the one exposed by Peru Libre would lead to similar scenarios.

The media are powerful instruments of domination, of cultural hegemony, so the right has the capacity to make the poor believe that what benefits them also benefits them.Cerrón argues in his government plan.

In this sense, he proposes the “removal of “unwanted” programs” Yes criticizes the fact that the state has “abdicated” in its protective role. He openly proposes a review by the government before the broadcast of programs: “The Ministries of Education and Culture must assess the content of television and radio channels before broadcast, thus avoiding an attack on the morals and good morals of Peruvian society ”.

Also, he criticizes the concentration of the media and proposes a reorganization of the state directive to support the “alternative press”, in equal parts as the public media (national and regional) and the private sector.

Nationalization of deposits

The government plan of his Peru Free party states that “strategic sectors“Production, such as mining, the key to the local economy.

Cerrón’s document proposes a revision of “all the nefarious contract-laws that have in fact been the liberty for the plunder of the Peruvian people”, with the aim that the state retains 80% of the profits. “Ecuador and Bolivia have demonstrated, under leftist governments, that this is possible and viable,” he said. Later, he explained that he is referring to the fact that the profits of transnational corporations must be invested in the country and not taken abroad.


Luis Gonzales Posada spoke at the Forum for the Defense of Democracy in the Americas: “Pedro Castillo is more aggressive, more extremist”

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