details of Jovenel Moise’s latest call


On another call, Moise asked “where are you” to a tactical police officer, who replied, “Mr. President.

“I need your help now!” Said the president. “My life is in danger. Come quickly; come save my life”, he added according to information revealed by the newspaper Miami Herald.

Before the officer finished speaking with Moses, there was silence. A few seconds later, the powerful assault rifle is heard. It was then that the officer asked his men to get into their cars to get to the presidential hotel as quickly as possible.

Moise was shot dead by a group of Colombian mercenaries hired by a Miami security company, which consisted of 18 former Colombian soldiers and 2 Haitian and American citizens, who were arrested and believe there are five more. people on the run. In addition, there are three dead Colombians attacking the president and his wife.

Moise’s body was found in his bedroom with gunshot wounds to his forehead, chest, hip and abdomen and with his left eye punctured, a voodoo-related practice, to prevent the murdered from seeing you. from the other world.

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