The new Prime Minister of Haiti demanded an “exemplary” punishment for the murderers of Jovenel Moise: there are 4 other detainees


The new Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, speaks during the inauguration ceremony of the new Haitian government, in Port-au-Prince (Photo: EFE)
The new Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, speaks during the inauguration ceremony of the new Haitian government, in Port-au-Prince (Photo: EFE)

The new Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry took the head of government on Tuesday and called for “exemplary” punishment for those involved in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise.

“All those who are suspected of being material or intellectual authors must be identified and brought to justice. We will never have to experience such a tragedy again ”, Henry said at the new government’s inauguration ceremony.

Henry assumed the government of Haiti after the interim prime minister, Claude joseph, He resigned from his post on Monday, under pressure from the international community to relinquish power.

President Moise appointed Henry Prime Minister on July 5, in the last decree he signed before his death., but he was not invested in the position before this happened the assassination two days later.

For the time being, 26 people arrested for their connection to the murder, perpetrated on July 7, including 18 Colombians accused of being part of the command that carried out the attack on Moise’s residence.

In addition, seven police officers were placed “in solitary confinement” for their involvement in the case, although they were not formally detained, three more than in the last official report.

The Chief of Police, Leon charles, announced Tuesday four other formal arrests, including at least three of police officers, whose ranks she did not disclose. “There were police infiltrations”, he assured.

The Haitian authorities assure that "there were infiltrations in the police" to assassinate Jovenel Moise (REUTERS / Ricardo Arduengo)
The Haitian authorities assure that “there were infiltrations in the police force” to assassinate Jovenel Moise (REUTERS / Ricardo Arduengo)

Haitian police identified the fourth suspect, who was not a police officer, as Dominique Cauvin.

According to public records, Cauvin lived in South Florida, spending time in recent years in Miami, Miami Beach and Pembroke Pines. On his LinkedIn profile he is listed as an independent security consultant, while on his private Instagram account he is listed as founder and owner of Armotech International Corp. and Armotech Group SA, in Haiti.

He is currently listed as the CEO of a Pembroke Pines, Florida-based company called Armotech International Corp, which he recorded in the state on November 2, 2020, according to public records. At the beginning of January 2020, he created a company of the same name, Armotech Group Inc, only to dissolve it later in April 2021, according to records.

Authorities previously said they detained and isolated – but not formally arrested – several high-ranking police officers as they tried to determine why the attackers were able to reach the president without any of his guards being injured.

Within two days of the assassination three Colombians died in shootings against security forces, while police have issued search and arrest warrants against at least 10 other suspects.

Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated by an armed commando on July 7 (Photo: REUTERS)
Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated by an armed commando on July 7 (Photo: REUTERS)

Moses’ funeral will be on Friday. Along with the preparations for the funeral, the investigation into his murder continues, with technical support from the US federal police, the FBI.

In this context, raising fears of a turn towards general anarchy, the UN Security Council, the United States and Europe consider the holding of free and transparent legislative and presidential elections as a priority before the end of 2021.

Henry promised this Tuesday promote a “sincere” dialogue with the opposition and with other sectors of civil society to find a solution to the crisis triggered by the murder of Moses.

In the speech delivered at his inauguration ceremony, the new Haitian Prime Minister promised that he will hold meetings with “the living forces” of the nation to seek “an inclusive agreement”. “It is with great determination that I accepted this mission. The country is going through a critical situation. In this situation, there is one thing with which everyone agrees: the solution to the crisis must be found by the Haitians ”, he stated.

Henry described his government as “of consent e including», A vision that is not shared by the main opposition parties, who accused the Prime Minister of having made a continuation cabinet.

The new head of government also said that his request “can not be solve all problems“, But he promised to focus on creating the conditions for organizing the elections, which are” non-negotiable “.

(With information from EFE, AP and AFP)

Read on:

Haiti’s new Prime Minister called for unity to prevent the country’s drift after Moise’s assassination
The widow of the murdered Haitian president returns to Port-au-Prince

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