Nostradamus predictions for 2021: what happened and what could happen this year


Nostradamus He is considered the greatest prophetic spirit in the world and several of his great predictions, according to his supporters, came true: the death of King Henry II, the Great Fire of London and the assassination of President JF Kennedy.

Yet many prophecies remain alarming which, according to believers, have not yet come true and 2021 could be the year, depending on what is happening: the warlike attitude of China in Taiwan that could be one of the keys.

Michèle de Nostredame (1503-1566) was a 16th-century physician, astrologer, and mystic, and his enigmatic writings have fascinated conspiracy theorists for centuries. Better known as Nostradamus, wrote hundreds of supposed prophecies about the future in his book The Propheties, published in 1555.

Copy of the 1672 English translation of Garencières de las Prophecies. This specimen is held in the PI Nixon Medical History Library at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons | public domain image)

The astrologer’s predictions were written in the form of poems in four lines O quartets which were divided into 10 chapters called Centuries. They are confusing and rarely mention specific places, dates or places.

Despite this, many followers of conspiracy theories are convinced that the pages of The Propheties they contain clues to our future. It is important to point out that since prophecies are written in poetic language, many of their words may be subject to different interpretations.

What could happen in 2021?

Some believers in the prophecies of the French claim that Nostradamus warned against a Third world war. Although he did not specifically mention the year, he made vague references to a conflict between Where is Yes is.

In the 8th century, Quartet 59, he wrote: “Twice placed and twice shot, / The East will also weaken the West. / His opponent after several battles / pursued by sea will fail when needed ”.

China is currently in conflict with Taiwan, threatened Japan, warned Lithuania against opening an embassy in Taiwan, and the West is likely to take sides on the issue if it continues to escalate .

If this conflict worsened, the followers of Nostradamus would have reason to assure that once again his verses were prophetic; However, others interpret this quatrain as a possible conflict between North Korea Yes United States.

In the 9th century, the Quartet 95, would also have predicted the rise of the super-soldiers and armies of tomorrow.

The French mystic wrote: “The newly created will lead the army, / almost caislado to the edge of the shore: / help from the struggling Milanese elite, / the Duke deprived of his eyes in Milan in an iron cage”.

Technology is currently being developed to equip the military and workers in hazardous industries with exoskeletons that withstand a lot of weight and reduce impacts on the body. (Photo: Adobe Stock)For: Gorodenkoff Productions OR | Gorodenkoff –

Many believe that these verses refer to the development of metal exoskeletons which are in test mode so that soldiers take less damage during combat while still being able to carry more weight with less impact on their bodies.

How were the milestones he would have predicted been prophesied Nostradamus and what has been accomplished so far?

1. The death of King Henry II

Nostradamus is widely credited with predicting the death of Henry II of France in 1559. The King of France died just four years after the publication of the Prophecies when he was injured in a game.

The astrologer would have predicted his death in the 1st century, Quartet 35.

The passage says: “The lion cub will defeat the elder, / in a battlefield in single combat: / He will pierce his eyes in his golden cage; / Two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death ”.

2. The Great Fire of London

On September 2, 1666, a fire broke out in central London which engulfed entire swathes of the ancient medieval city.

It is estimated that the fire destroyed more than 13,000 homes and left around 70,000 people homeless.

One hundred years earlier, Nostradamus would have predicted the fire of the second century, quatrain 52.

The astrologer wrote: “The blood of the righteous will be at fault in London, / Burnt by lightning twenty three six: / The old woman will fall from her high place, / Several people of the same sect will be killed.”

3. The assassination of President JF Kennedy

President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, when the lone gunman Lee Jarvey Oswald opened fire in Dallas, Texas.

The circumstances surrounding the attack and the death of Oswald a few days later, in the hands of a nightclub owner, Jack Ruby, has given believers in conspiracy theories a lot to discuss over the years.

Perhaps the strangest thing, however, is the claim that Nostradamus knew it would happen.

Nostradamus wrote in the 1st century, quatrain 26: “The great man will be struck by lightning in broad daylight. / A bad deed, predicted by the bearer of a petition. / According to the prediction, another falls during the night. / Conflict in Reims, London and plague in Tuscany ”.

Vague descriptions and little merit

Despite the fact that Nostradamus’ followers have spread around the world through the dissemination of his prophetic exploits on social media, knowledgeable academics claim that in reality his verses have been poorly translated.

Many interpretations of his lyrics could adapt to any historical event since the characteristics he brings are very vague, which takes away all its merit.

The researchers also pointed out that translators knew very little about the 16th century French language, which could lead to a change in the meaning of their words.


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