70% of the Uruguayan population has at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine


Woman receives COVID-19 vaccine at Rivera public hospital (EFE / Raúl Martínez / File)
Woman receives COVID-19 vaccine at Rivera public hospital (EFE / Raúl Martínez / File)

70% of the Uruguayan population has received at least one of two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, as can be seen in the web monitor developed by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

At 6:24 p.m. (9:24 p.m. GMT) this Tuesday, 2,481,401 people had received at least one of the two doses of the American Pfizer, Chinese Coronavac or Anglo-Belgian AstraZeneca vaccines.

Of them, 2,084,514 people, representing 58.83% of the population, completed the inoculation regimen, with the two doses administered.

Uruguay has started vaccinating its 3.5 million inhabitants since March 1.

The Coronavac was initially administered to teachers, police, firefighters, military personnel, and workers at the Institute for Children and Adolescents (INAU).

A nurse prepares a vaccine (EFE / Raúl Martínez / Dossier)
A nurse prepares a vaccine (EFE / Raúl Martínez / Dossier)

Shortly after, these vaccines were transferred to the department of Rivera (north), bordering Brazil and the one that was initially most affected by the pandemic, and in prisons.

Later, the Uruguayan government established age groups request the administration of the vaccine and, recently, included those over 12, becoming the first Latin American country to vaccinate adolescents.

For its part, the doses of Pfizer were administered – for their greater efficiency – to nursing staff and to the elderly, including those admitted to nursing homes.

The American vaccine has also been used for the homeless population.

In the last days, Uruguay has returned to the yellow risk zone, according to the Harvard index, after 7 months between orange and red. The South American country recorded its worst pandemic figures, in both daily cases and deaths, in April, May and June.

Currently, the country has 379,376 positive cases (3,828 active and 107 in intensive care) and 5,896 deaths.

(With information from EFE)


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