the call in the networks to register minors is not official


The anxiety of families is growing, especially of children who have health problems that make them more vulnerable to infection. That’s why, when a message started circulating this week calling for kids to sign up, it quickly went viral. And there were many who were happy.

However, spokespersons for the provincial health ministry clarified that this is not an official initiative and indicated that before inviting to be vaccinated, they will wait for indications from the national government. “Currently, we don’t even know which vaccines will be approved, nor when they will be available, not even if people with co-morbidities will be a priority, or what conditions will be considered.“, they explained.

Some 700,000 children under the age of 18 live in the province. And although their presence in the vaccination registry is not massive, there are already children and adolescents registered. In the 12 to 17 age group, it is estimated that there are 320,000 people, of which an estimated 80,000 have co-morbidities.

Closer to pediatric vaccination

Although in December of last year, when vaccination began in the country, the possibility of vaccinating minors seemed remote, it is now a little closer.

Currently, no Covid vaccine for children and adolescents has been authorized in the country. Yet pediatric immunization in the country took center stage on the media agenda this week, especially after the United States donated 3.5 million doses of Modern that if it gets approval from the FDA (the drug regulatory body in the United States), it could be applied to people aged 12 to 17.

Currently, Worldwide, only Pfizer and Sinopharm formulas apply. The first only in adolescents between 12 and 18 years, the Chinese vaccine from the age of 3, but the field of possibilities could soon open with the authorization of other technologies.

Two days ago, the city and province of Buenos Aires announced the opening of the registration of children under 18 in their vaccination records.

Buenos Aires Health Minister Daniel Gollán last week said the country’s approval of Moderna and Sinopharm vaccines to immunize under-18s against the coronavirus is “imminent”. Argentina has both vaccines. In the case of Sinopharm, it is already being used in the Chinese vaccination campaign for those over 3 years old.

“The FDA these days would approve (the use of Moderna in minors) and later the approval of Anmat is automatic,” he said of the agency’s clearance. American Food and Drug Administration is testing the Moderna vaccine for use in children and adolescents. And he added: “The accreditation of Sinopharm (for children and adolescents locally) from 3 to 18 years old is imminent, with which there will be availability.

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