victims and their relatives will receive a minimum initial compensation of US $ 150 million


The sum is a total of $ 50 million from insurance from the Champlain Towers South condo and approximately $ 100 million from the proceeds from the sale of the Surfside property on which the building was located.

That amount does not include money raised in lawsuits that have already been filed since June 24, when construction collapsed, leaving at least 97 people on balance, and dozens more are still missing.

Those lawsuits could be unified into a single class action lawsuit that would cover all victims and their family members if they so decide, the judge said.

“The concern of the court has always been the victims present here”,Hanzman argued, adding: “Your rights will be protected.”

“I have no doubt that there will not be an unreturned stone,” he said in reference to the prosecution.

They propose to erect a monument instead

Through the petition site, they began to sign together to erect a monument in honor of the victims on the land that occupied part of the building.

So far, the initiative has managed to collect more than 1,200 signatures for the place to “become a monument”.

“The accident caused many deaths and we must remember each dead and missing person”, highlights the idea.

However, according to Mayor Charles Burkett, he noted that some residents want a new building constructed on this land.

“Some families also want to return to live there. They want the building to be rebuilt in a part of the place, they recognize that part of the place is sacred, but they are not resigned to losing their house,” he said. Explain. .

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