Guatemala: the head of the public ministry sacked the prosecutor who was investigating corruption cases in the government


Current FECI Director Juan Francisco Sandoval (Photo: EFE)
Current FECI Director Juan Francisco Sandoval (Photo: EFE)

The Attorney General and Head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras, on Friday sacked the head of the special prosecutor against impunity (FECI), Juan Francisco Sandoval, the main stronghold of the fight against corruption for three years.

The prosecutor assured in a statement that the decision was based on assumptions “Constant abuse and frequent abuse” to the institutionality of the deputy, in addition to “The lack of respect that as a woman, civil servant and professional” she herself was a victim.

Sandoval was named in February as one of the laureates “Anti-corruption hero” granted by the state department American, in addition to having been praised for his work by the authorities of the North American nation.

The head of the deputy stressed that she would have been the victim of “”humiliation“O”Given the imminent lack of trust in the relationship, the working relationship is now terminated”.

As Sandoval’s replacement, she was appointed Claire isidra Valenzuela, which “has worked in a coordinated manner with investigative agencies in the United States of America, which support and endorse their work,” the statement said.

In the picture, the Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras (Photo: EFE)
In the picture, the Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras (Photo: EFE)

Porras’ decision was hotly contested by the United States. On his Twitter account, the deputy Albio bulls argued that “the dismissal of Juan Francisco Sandoval from the FECI it is a fatal blow to the fight against corruption in Guatemala. Unless that ruling is overturned, the US government must point Porras under US law for obstructing anti-corruption investigations.”.

Sandoval had warned the agency since last March EFE What the country is threatened with a “dictatorship” due to non-compliance with judicial decisions. The 38-year-old prosecutor has been a key player in the fight against corruption in Guatemala, which reached its peak between 2014 Yes 2019 hand in hand with the head of the public prosecution at the time, Thelma Aldana, and the director of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (Cicig), the Colombian lawyer Ivan Velasquez.

Investigations commissioned by Sandoval, Aldana and Velásquez They uncovered dozens of cases of state corruption, indicting more than 200 people, including ministers, civil servants, businessmen but also former presidents Otto Pérez Molina (2012-2015) and Álvaro Colom Caballeros (2008 -2012).

This year, already without Aldana and Velásquez, the prosecutor said he was not alone in the fight against impunity in Guatemala because he has the support of “Society and the international community.

However, He said he was increasingly concerned about the advancement of groups he faced with Cicig and that they have given in to stop obeying resolutions when they are not favorable to their interests.

Opposition MP Andrea Villagrán criticized Porras’ decision on social media, as have other members of Congress. “Without any shame and as operator of the criminal pact, the Attorney General deals a severe blow to the fight against corruption by depriving the prosecutor of the dignity of the prosecutor.», Underlined the legislator.

Another opposition MP, Samuel Pérez, of the Semilla party, also spoke out against the impeachment of the prosecutor, calling Porras “complacent”. “Now is the time for everyone to go. It’s time to change everything “he added.

According to a survey of the evening newspaper Time, the decision to dismiss Sandoval was a request of the Guatemalan president, Alejandro Giammattei, to the Attorney General, for possible investigations by the special prosecutor against impunity against the sovereign.

Read on:

Anti-corruption prosecutor denounces harassment and lack of support in Guatemala

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