Monsoon rains kill at least 79 in India – News


Monsoon rains flooding in western India at least 79 dead, 100,000 evacuated and dozens missing who were wanted this Saturday among the mud and debris by rescuers.

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Raigad District, located south of Mumbai, in the state of Maharashtra, is most affected with the death of 47 people due to landslides, as the head of natural disasters, Sagar Pathak reported.

Meanwhile, two more people have been killed in mudslides in Satara district, and around 15 people are missing, said Anirudha Ashtaputre, a government spokesperson.

At least 59 people remain missing as a result of floods and landslides, said the government of Maharashtra.

The Navy and Air Force responded to help the thousands of people affected by the flooding, but landslides cut off traffic on several roads, in particular the one connecting Bombay and Goa, complicate rescue operations.

More than 24 hours of heavy and uninterrupted rains flooded the Vashishti River, flooding neighborhoods in the town of Chiplun, 250 kilometers from Mumbai, under 3.5 meters of water, the news agency reported. . AFP.

The navy mobilized seven rescue teams equipped with inflatable boats, life jackets and buoys, as well as a helicopter to transport those stranded by the water.

The rains also caused flooding in a water treatment center, disrupting distribution in “most areas of Mumbai,” said authorities in the city of 20 million people.

Not a week ago, 34 people were crushed to death when a wall collapsed due to a landslide caused by the storm.

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Climate change intensifies monsoon phenomena in India, according to a report by the Potsdam Climate Impact Research Institute (PIK).

Floods and mudslides are common in India during the monsoon season which lasts from June to September, causing old buildings to collapse.

India’s weather service has put several parts of the state on red alert and reported that the rains will continue for the next few days.


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