Daniel Ortega closed the doors to any negotiations guaranteeing clean elections in Nicaragua


In the picture a record by the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega.  EFE / Archives
In the picture a record by the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega. EFE / Archives

A day after the latest arrest of an opposition presidential candidate, Noel Vidaurre, became known, Daniel Ortega reappeared in public. He did so with the First Lady and Vice President, Rosario Murillo, after participating in the Election Verification Day.

In the brief intervention, he attacked the United States, spoke about Mexico, Argentina and Venezuela, and forcefully blocked any possibility of negotiations to achieve the November elections in a democratic framework., as demanded by the opposition, the international community and human rights defenders.

As detailed The pressOrtega accused “the empire” (by the United States) of not wanting an election. “The empire wants to boycott them, to re-sow terrorism in our country. But, God willing, we are going to organize these elections and the people and the young people will go to vote ”. “The Yankees do not respect, for them elections are only valid when their fighters win, that is to say those they present as candidates. If they win, the elections are good, if their fighters don’t win, then the election is not good and they do everything possible to destabilize the country, to destroy the country, as they did with Cuba. , Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, “he shot.

In his speech he referred to Venezuela A country which, he said, “suffered brutal attacks” from the United States and mentioned, without naming him, Juan Guaidó, recognized by the United States and much of the international community as president in charge of this country: “How there were many elections in Venezuela, won fairly, but since the weaklings of the Yankees do not win, then they do not recognize them and have gone so far as to invent a weakling who walks around ridiculing himself because he presents himself as president of Venezuela ”. In addition, he described the Latin American countries grouped together in the Lima Group, the bloc which denounces the abuses of Nicolás Maduro, as “pelele governments”.

Rosario Murillo, Daniel Ortega and Nicolás Maduro (Photo by 19 Digital)
Rosario Murillo, Daniel Ortega and Nicolás Maduro (Photo by 19 Digital)

Ortega, however, did not say anything about the serious human rights violations in Venezuela that, for example, Michelle Bachelet documented., United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who, in his latest report, reveals that the system of abuse and torture applied by the Chavista regime to opposition dissidents is still in effect in Venezuela.

So in his speech, Ortega has closed the doors to any kind of negotiation with the United States, an issue that its very bases had raised weeks ago. “In the face of empire, there is no space for negotiation and understanding, those who delude themselves simply forget the history of their people who have suffered the most brutal assaults and humiliations in the world. ’empire,’ he said.

To make it clear that Nor would it accept a negotiation led by other countries, as Argentine President Alberto Fernández once suggested, He said: “Let the Argentinian brothers remember how the empire, which was committed in the OAS to defend any Latin American country against attacks from extraterritorial powers, allied with the British to consolidate the political imperialist and crush the resistance of the Malvinas people ”.

And, much more directly, he attacked the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico. “How many atrocities has Trump spoken openly, disrespecting the dignity of the Mexican people and there was no government in Mexico that defended this people,” he accused, still hurt by the intervention by López Obrador last June when he rejected the repression of the Nicaraguan regime.

The reference to Mexico and Argentina is not capricious, Ortega still does not forgive that the two governments, seen as left, have called for consultations with Nicaraguan ambassadors in his country for the brutal repression. Although neither Fernández nor López Obrador endorsed the UN condemnation resolutions against the regime, the Nicaraguan expected a more explicit defense from them.


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