Here is how the health certificate approved in France will work


A museum employee checks a health passport in France (REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier)
A museum employee checks a health passport in France (REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier)

The French Parliament on Monday approved the use of the health certificate as one of the main measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic despite the weekend’s demonstrations in various regions of the country.

With 156 votes in favor, 60 against and 14 abstentions, the measure continued, as reported by the newspaper ‘Le Figaro’. Thus, the new restrictions, which include compulsory vaccination for certain sectors, such as health, were approved after protests that left dozens of prisoners.

French President Emmanuel Macron announced last week that the certificate, must show that the person has a complete immunization schedule, a negative coronavirus test in the previous 48 hours, or a test to have had the virus in the previous six months.

A man shows his health passport to a security guard outside the entrance to the Louvre museum amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Paris, France, July 21, 2021. REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier
A man shows his health passport to a security guard outside the entrance to the Louvre museum amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Paris, France, July 21, 2021. REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier

Here are the main measures envisaged in the final text:

From august, the document will be required to enter bars, cafes and restaurants, both terrace and interior; long-distance public transport and lounges, which are added to the places where it is Compulsory from July 21: museums, theaters, monuments, sports halls and shows.

– The shopping centers they stayed exempt of the measure, although it will be up to the local authorities to require them to use the health certificate if they deem it necessary.

– The adolescents between 12 and 17 years old will not have to present it before September 30Well, they started getting the vaccine later. This group will only require the authorization of one of the parents to be vaccinated and none for minors of 16 and 17 years old.

Medical worker administers dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine "Commirnaty" against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a vaccination center in Paris, France, July 23, 2021. REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier
A medical worker administers a dose of Pfizer-BioNTech “Comirnaty” vaccine against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a vaccination center in Paris, France, July 23, 2021. REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier

– The workers from the affected locations must also present the document, but as of August 30. If they have no justification, they could be suspended without pay.

– The text proposes fines of 135 euros (nearly 160 dollars) for offenders and up to six months in prison and a fine of 3,750 euros ($ 4,423) for a third repeat offense within 30 days. For professionals, the penalties for non-control range from fines to administrative closure.

– Confirmed positive cases must self-isolate for ten days and can only leave in an emergency or between ten a.m. and noon. Social Security can carry out isolation checks and notify the police if it considers that it is not being respected.

– The health workers should be vaccinated. Will have to have at least one dose by September 15 and the full schedule by October 15 at the latest. Otherwise they can be suspended from their jobs and wages, but not made redundant, an introduction provided by senators.


– Senators and deputies agreed in a joint committee that the application of these measures is conditional on the extension of the state of health emergency, until November 15 (compared to December 31 requested by the Government). Any further extension must be approved by parliamentarians.

For many, however, this certificate or “health passport” is a limitation on civil liberties. Although Macron’s party has control of the lower house, in the Senate the text has run into opposition. The upper house ultimately approved the measure, but added many amendments that could limit its impact.

The law must now be approved by the Constitutional Council before officially becoming law. The standard already made the certificate compulsory for going to cinemas, museums and any event with a capacity of more than 50 people. From August, the certificate will be compulsory for traveling by train or plane, as well as for going to bars and restaurants.

A protester holds up a sign stating "No to the health passport" during a demonstration called by the French nationalist party "The Patriots" (Les Patriotes) against the restrictions imposed by France to fight the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), on the "Human rights "(human rights) place du Trocadéro in Paris, France, July 24, 2021. REUTERS / Benoit Tessier
A protester holds up a sign saying “No to the sanitary passport” during a rally called by the French nationalist party “Les Patriotes” against the restrictions imposed by France to fight the epidemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) , the “Human Rights” on the Place du Trocadéro in Paris, France, July 24, 2021. REUTERS / Benoit Tessier
"No to the health passport"REUTERS / Benoit Tessier
“No to the health passport” REUTERS / Benoit Tessier

Over the weekend, some 161,000 people took to the streets, including 11,000 in Paris. In total, some 70 people were arrested, while around 30 police officers were injured.

(with EFE and EP information)


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