2-year-old boy and his 99-year-old neighbor became best friends during the pandemic


The pandemic for coronavirus It completely changed the lives of human beings as we had to adjust to a new normal and spend a lot more time in our homes. Thus was born a tender story of friendship between a boy and an old woman who moves.

He is a two-year-old boy and his 99-year-old neighbor who have become best friends under compulsory segregation. She, Mary o’neillwidow of Minneapolis, Minnesota, formed an unlikely friendship with Benjamin olson, your little neighbor, during the pandemic.

Mary O’Neill, a widow from Minneapolis, Minnesota, struck up an unlikely friendship with Benjamin Olson, the boy next door, during the pandemic. Photo: Youtube screenshot KARE11.

They became playmates during the pandemic and even today, they continue to meet regularly on the fence that separates the houses to which they are neighbors.

A two-year-old boy has become his 99-year-old neighbor’s best friend after months of quarantine. Photo: Youtube screenshot KARE11.

” For more than a year, Benjamin did not see any other children. He didn’t interact with anyone except our family and Mary. ” Today parents the mother, Sarah olson. “They ended up forming an incredibly strong bond.”

Initially, Married I just greeted Benjamin from within, but then began to come out to maintain a closer relationship with the little boy. The greetings eventually turned into meetings at their joint close.

Benjamin Olson visits his almost 100-year-old neighbor every day. Photo: Youtube screenshot KARE11.

But, the friendship between the old woman and the little one Benjamin She grew up and the widow confessed that she missed seeing Benjamin when the weather forbade them from being outside. It is because the little one renewed the energies of the grandmother Married, who will be 100 years old in December.

Is that Mary o’neill She lives alone as she lost her husband 37 years ago and enjoys the boy’s company as her own grandchildren and great-grandchildren live outside of the state of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

According to the mother of the child, during the warmer months, to Married Yes Benjamin they like to sit on the steps and blow bubbles together.

“Sometimes he gets up, grabs a piece of sand or a stone and gives it to me as a gift. It makes me feel good, he and his little brother are the closest thing to the grandchildren I have here, ”he said. Married a Today at the time he said he had given to Benjamin a box of toy trucks that belonged to her late son.

But, in addition, the widow added that she misses to see Benjamin when the weather forbids them to gather outside, a confession that mobilized Sarah: “I didn’t know he missed him. I’m so happy they met. ”


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