Alberto Fernández, with the President of Ecuador: “Latin America must discuss its destiny”


The President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, met his counterpart from the Republic of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso. The bilateral meeting took place in the city of Lima as part of the trip to Peru of the Argentine president, and his entourage, to participate in the change of command ceremony to the president-elect, José Pedro Castillo Terrones.

At the end of the meeting, Fernández declared in statements to the press: “We have a very common vision of the need for Latin America to become more integrated and to constitute again a space of unity where we can discuss of the problems we have “, and felt that it was” a meeting which was much more than productive and which, personally, I enjoy very much “.

Regarding the differences that are marked on the two governments, the Argentine President said: “the truth is that the differences are not that many when it comes to seeing how we specify the objectives, and we must achieve compliance with the diversity and work together for what it needs in Latin America, which is to achieve a space where we can discuss our destiny. “

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Finally, he indicated that Argentina and Ecuador have “similar problems”, and referred to the common objectives of “achieving immunity for our people as quickly as possible, recovering work in the formality and guaranteeing development. equal for all “.

The meeting between South American presidents, held at the Westin Hotel in the Peruvian capital, was attended by Argentina, as officially announced by Foreign Minister Felipe Solá; the general secretaries of the presidency, Julio Vitobello, of strategic affairs, Gustavo Beliz, and of communication and press, Juan Pablo Biondi; and the national deputy Eduardo Valdés.

On the side of the Ecuadorian government, the Minister of External Relations, Mauricio Montalvo; the Secretary General of the Presidency, Ralph Suástegui Brborich; and presidential adviser Aparicio Caicedo Castillo; according to the Telam press agency.

Fabiola Yanez

Alberto Fernández, along with First Lady Fabiola Yañez and the rest of the official delegation arrived in Lima on Tuesday evening; they were received by the Ambassador to Peru, Enrique Vaca Narvaja. In addition to his participation in the investiture ceremony of the new president of Peru, the Argentine Prime Minister will hold various bilateral meetings with heads of state and officials from the region during his stay in that country.

Rest of the presidential agenda in Peru

Alberto Fernández will attend the change of command ceremony to President-elect José Pedro Castillo Terrones this Wednesday, held at the National Congress. Later, at 1:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. in Argentina), he will travel, along with other guest heads of state, to the Lima Convention Center where he will participate in an official lunch hosted by the new Peruvian president.

The agenda continues with a bilateral meeting (5:50 pm in Argentina) with the Head of State of Peru; then (6.30 p.m.) with Iván Duque Márquez, requested by the Colombian president. In turn, Fernández is planning a meeting with Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard.

In his agenda for tomorrow (Thursday 29), the president and his entourage will go to Pampa de la Quinua to participate in another act of taking command, in this case commemorating the new Peruvian president.


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