Video: They captured the moment a shocking meteor lit the skies over Norway


Natural phenomena surprise everyone and more so when weird and unusual cases occur. This happened in Norway on Sunday when a meteorite it fell in the middle of the night and lit up the sky.

The people of Oslo heard the explosions and some witnesses managed to film the incredible event. Within minutes, social media was filled with videos showing how the meteorite fell.

The ticking Varg André Holst Morten Bilet assured the media that he was making content for the app when he saw the boulder pass behind him. In addition, several drivers had to brake in the middle of the freeways when they saw what was happening and for fear of sustaining damage.

My wife and I heard a strong climb and saw two powerful flashes of light. And it’s definitely a big meteor that came over eastern Norway. “, the man added.

The Norwegian meteorological agency reported the exact data and concluded that the meteorite fell on Sunday and was seen 5 seconds after it appeared around 1 a.m. local time. Regarding displacement, the speed was 16.3 kilometers per second.

The authorities of this country assured that the meteor could have reached a wooded area of ​​Finnemarka, at short distance, located about 60 kilometers from Oslo.. “At this size, it’s almost impossible to get the big picture of absolutely everything.It would have been easier if I had had a steeper course, ”they said.

Morten Bilet, from the Norwegian Meteor network, believe that the meteor probably hit the asteroid belt of our solar system by traveling between Mars and Jupiter.

“What we had last night was a big boulder that probably travels between Mars and Jupiter, which is our asteroid belt. And when that happens, it creates a roar, a light and a great excitement among us and maybe some fear among others, ”Bilet said.

This type of phenomenon is unusual all over the world and surprises each time it occurs. Although authorities have confirmed that the meteorite has been seen in several Scandinavian countries, the known videos are only from Norway.

What is a meteorite?

In the eyes of humans, a meteorite can be mistaken for a shooting star and only the flash of light is seen crossing the sky. However, meteors are stardust and galactic matter that made it through the atmosphere.


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