In his inauguration speech in Peru, Pedro Castillo greeted all the presidents present, except Duque


President of Peru, Pedro Castillo and President of Colombia, Iván Duque.  Photos: Reuters and Efe.
President of Peru, Pedro Castillo and President of Colombia, Iván Duque. Photos: Reuters and Efe.

This Wednesday July 28, the elected president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, took office as the first president of this nation, a formal event attended by the Colombian head of state, Ivan Duqué, and which went unnoticed by Castillo, when he thanked the leaders present at his inaugural address.

Although after the end of the proclamation Duque and Castillo held a meeting in which they strengthened ties between the two nations, the fact that the new president of Peruvians did not greet the Colombian president has become relevant in public opinion.

During the speech, the teacher also named the presidents of several Latin American nations and even the King of Spain, who also attended the inauguration, however, The name of Iván Duque nor the country he represents were mentioned by Castillo.

“Presidents of the sister republics of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador; His Highness the King of Spain; vice-presidents and foreign ministers; members of the honorable diplomatic corps; authorities present, ”Castillo said.

He later continued his long statement in which outlined his priorities as the head of the executive of the South American country. During his speech, the 51-year-old president who beat Keiko Fujimori at the polls promised deep reforms but he insisted that it does not seek to “nationalize” the economy of the mining country.

This is the moment when Castillo did not greet Duque (minute 17:15):

Despite this situation, the two leaders discussed and shared the first points of the bilateral agenda which will determine the relations between the two countries. In addition, in dialogue with the Peruvian press, Duque called the bilateral meeting “very productive” and the binational health and education agenda. “Our interest with our presence is to continue to strengthen the bonds of fraternity with Peru”added President Duque.

For his part, according to Castillo declared upon his departure from the presidential palace of Peru, he hopes that “Colombian investments will continue to grow in Peru, we also have Peruvian investments in Colombia, and We also have a very clear program for the Pacific Alliance to be consolidated as a bloc and for the Andean community to have more business interactions.“said the president.

Likewise, the Colombian president took the opportunity to forge links with the presidents of other Latin American nations. This is the case with Alberto Fernández from Argentina, with whom Iván Duque met and, as they both reported on Twitter, they discussed immunization, economics and other topics.

“In #LimaWe met the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, whom I invited to strengthen trade relations between our countries. We talked about mass vaccination, economic reactivation and renewable energy ”, trilla President Duque, while his Argentinian counterpart wrote:

“I have had meetings with the Presidents of Ecuador and Colombia and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico. I am happy that this visit has been an opportunity to strengthen the ties that unite our peoples, ”Fernandez said on Twitter.

Likewise, the Colombian head of state reiterated his government’s commitment to fight against “The main challenges facing Latin America in the post-pandemic context, the importance of strengthening the @AgendaCAF and the need to seek more integration tools. We will continue to work together for the well-being of our peoples! “, he condemned in another of his trills.

On social media, Duque’s posts also proliferated during his visit to the Andean Community (CAN) during which he met its board of directors and with which he left the following message: “As part of our work program in #Peru, we visit the headquarters of the @communitydandina, where we had a dialogue with the Secretary General, Jorge Hernando Pedraza on the challenges of economic recovery, reconstruction of the social fabric and regional integration ”, precise.


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