Health and economy, the two axes on which the Frente de Todos will be based before PASO and the roles of Vizzotti and Guzmán



Health and economy. These will be the two main axes on which will be based the Government’s strategy vis-à-vis PASO and the legislative elections. The areas led by Carla Vizzotti and Martín Guzmán will be the cornerstone of the campaign thought by President Alberto Fernández, who will return this evening from his trip to Peru where he was during the inauguration of Pedro Castillo, the new first president of this country.

For this plan to be effective, the Head of State needs these two factors to be under control, at least until the STEP of September 12, because he considers them essential. He will seek to ensure that inflation and the price of the dollar do not skyrocket, on the one hand, and that the vaccination plan against Covid 19 advances, on the other hand, so that the health system does not fail. not collapse in the face of the threat of new variants of the virus, such as the Delta.

Minister Guzmán will play a leading role in official plans. To meet with the precandidatos del Frente de Todos y posablemente viaje a varias provincias para defender la management initiated in December 2019. In medio de la negociación para pagar la deuda de este año con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), el funcionario conversó ayer with Victoria Tolosa Paz, who is at the top of the list of candidates for national deputies in the province of Buenos Aires, and plans to do so soon with Leandro Santoro, head of the wage bill in the city of Buenos Aires.

The minister’s task will be to explain the projects awaiting approval in Congress as well as the latest economic measures to stop the rise of the parallel dollar, whose price fell this week thanks to the intervention of the Central Bank.

Argentina plans to conclude the debt deal with the IMF before the end of the year.  PRESIDENCY PRESS
Argentina plans to conclude the debt deal with the IMF before the end of the year. PRESIDENCY PRESS

Another important link for the ministerial casting will be the chief of staff, Santiago Cafeiero. On Wednesday, he participated in the event in the industrial park of Almirante Brown with ministers of productive development, Matias Kulfas, and that of Labor, Claudio Moroni, where a program was launched for young people between the ages of 18 and 24 to access their first job. Stimulating work and production in this sector of the electorate also appears as a central theme.

Cafiero today visited the province of San Juan, where he inaugurated the new Santa Rosa Hospital in the city of 25 de Mayo, with Vizzotti Yes Governor, Sergio Uñac. Officials also visited the Autovac vaccination center located in the Bicentennial Stadium and the ongoing expansion work at the Marcial Quiroga Hospital, in the Rivadavia department, where the construction of a new building of around 5,500 m2 is planned.

Vizzoti will also play a fundamental role in the campaign. Because the vaccination plan against the coronavirus depends on it, which this week has gained more force due to the signing of agreements with new laboratories and the start of vaccination among minors. On Tuesday, the head of the Health portfolio announced that 20 million doses will be purchased from the US-German company Pfizer-Biontech and that 200,000 doses of the Chinese serum produced by CanSino Biologics (single dose) will also begin to arrive. With this Chinese company, there is a contract for the supply of 5.4 million units.

“We present the start of adolescent vaccination against what are the priority groups after working on a document with the Argentine Pediatric Society, with the expert committee, with the National Immunization Commission and with the approval 24 ministers from across the country, ”Vizzotti said yesterday after a meeting at his ministry.

The Minister informed that the distribution to all jurisdictions of 900,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine has already started with the vaccination of this priority group from next Monday, August 2. It is “an important step since We are expanding the strategic immunization plan, launching immunization of priority adolescents, which very few countries are currently doing“, Underlined the person in charge.

From Health, it appeared that it was being evaluated to continue expanding these applications “but by the time we have completed the full prioritization plan.” Argentina has received 3.5 million doses from the Moderna laboratory donated by the United States government which will be used to immunize children and adolescents between 12 and 17 years old.

Another decision by Vizzotti, after agreeing with his peers from 24 provinces at the meeting of the CoFeSa (Federal Health Committee), was taken on Tuesday. This involves reserving the doses in stock of AstraZeneca and Sinopharm to be applied as a second dose throughout the month of August. So far, the difference between the first and second dose is almost 40%: there are 24,542,819 people with one dose (54% of the population) and 6,532,982 with two (14.4% ).

They subsist in the environment of the minister two big worries. One is the delay in the arrival of component 2 of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V From Moscow. It is expected that in the next few days, the Gamaleya laboratory will report that a new batch is ready for withdrawal or that the approval of the samples that have traveled to the Moscow capital from the Richmond laboratory in Garín will arrive soon, where they have already completed the manufacture of more than 140 thousand serums. If this game receives Russian approval, many people encountered within three months of the first application will be able to complete their anti-Covid 19 program.

(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Another alternative is to exchange platforms: that those who received the first dose of Sputnik V be injected in the second dose, that of AstraZeneca or Sinopharm. To do this, they must wait for the studies in progress which will give concrete results in the coming days.

The second concern of the Vizzotti team is continue to delay the circulation of the Delta variant in our country. In Brazil, as in Paraguay, there is already community traffic and this has raised the concern of the Argentinian authorities. In Argentina, 60 cases of Delta carriers have been detected: 45 in travelers from abroad and 15 others were positive due to close contact with those infected. Thanks to the isolation of these passengers, for the moment, there is no community traffic much more contagious than those previously detected.

In Health, they are delighted with a “very good” month of September if it is possible to move forward at a faster pace with the application of the second doses and a large part of the population at risk is covered by this scheme. complete vaccine.


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