Biden offered to pay $ 100 to every American who gets a Covid-19 vaccine


The US government is seeking to take drastic measures to promote vaccination against the circulation of Delta variant. After months of declining Covid-19 cases, infections have started to rise rapidly across the country, and data shows that the largest increases are in states that are lagging behind in immunization.

Nationally, the number of four-week Covid-19 cases doubled last Monday compared to the previous four weeks, according to NBC News.

While cases are increasing in all parts of the country due to the higher transmission levels of the Delta variant, the largest increases have been in the south and southeast. Specifically in Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi and South Carolina. All five states have full vaccination rates below 49.2%, and two of them, Mississippi and Louisiana, rank in the bottom five for the country as a whole.

The country recorded a 131% increase in new cases in the week ending July 25 compared to the previous seven days, according to the WHO epidemiological report.

“It’s an unvaccinated pandemic”, said the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky.

Health experts say state vaccination rates are the main difference that defines the severity of the outbreak. Brian Strom, The Chancellor of Biomedical Sciences and Health of Rutgers in New Jersey told NBC News that unvaccinated people infected with the Delta variant have more than 1,000 times more virus particles in their respiratory system than those infected with the strain. original.

The available Covid-19 vaccines offer strong protection against serious illness with the Delta variant, Strom said, adding that unvaccinated people are at extreme risk.

“(The Delta variant) is considerably more contagious,” added Strom. “The net effect is that it would become a disease for the unvaccinated, and that’s what happened,” he said.

More than 754,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccines reached guns across the United States on Wednesday, according to White House Covid-19 data director Cyrus Shahpar.

The United States now averages over 600,000 total injections administered per day, an increase of about 18% from last week, according to CDC data.

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