Due to COVID-19 outbreak on cruise ship, Royal Caribbean has isolated six passengers and will be sent home


Seaside Adventure archive photo, by Royal Caribbean International (Photo: REUTERS)
Seaside Adventure archive photo, by Royal Caribbean International (Photo: REUTERS)

The Bahamas, which allowed the return of international cruise ships last month, is the scene of a small outbreak of COVID-19 in Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas. Six passengers sailing on the ship, departed from the city of Nassau on Saturday, they were positive for the tests carried out in the last hours, as Lyan Sierra-Caro, spokesperson for the company, confirmed this Friday.

“Four of the guests are not traveling together and are vaccinated. Three are asymptomatic and one has mild symptoms “Sierra-Caro told UNITED STATES TODAY. The two remaining passengers, who are part of the same family group, these are minors who are not immune.

To navigate on the Adventure of the Seas, passengers over 16 must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and test negative before boarding. Minors, although vaccination is not compulsory, are required to present negative tests. On another side, all the crew on board are vaccinated with two doses.

Tourists disembark from the Adventure of the Seas cruise ship in Cozumel, Mexico (Photo: REUTERS)
Tourists disembark from the Adventure of the Seas cruise ship in Cozumel, Mexico (Photo: REUTERS)

The tests in which the six positives were detected were carried out as part of the routine end-of-cruise checks, which the company offers free of charge, as most passengers must test negative to return home.

“The guests were quarantined and then underwent a PCR test to confirm their diagnosis.”Sierra-Caro said. The ship is currently docked in Freeport on Grand Bahama Island where many passengers have disembarked for activities such as shore excursions. The ship is due to disembark in Nassau on Saturday., ending a seven-night trip with stops on Royal Caribbean’s private island, Perfect Day in CocoCay, Cozumel, Mexico and on the island of Grand Bahama.

The six victims and their companions will return home by plane from Freeport. For the rest of the people on board, the cruise will continue as normal, with no need to quarantine. the Sea adventure it carries 1,182 passengers and 900 crew members. All contacts close to the positive cases were negative for PCR tests, the results of which were delivered this Friday.

El Aventure des mers in Cozumel (Foto: REUTERS)
El Aventure des mers in Cozumel (Foto: REUTERS)

On June 14, the government of the Bahamas hosted the Royal Caribbean International cruise line returns to the Atlantic archipelago, which took the capital, Nassau, as its base port with the Adventure of the Seas boat. The Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, in a welcoming ceremony after a year of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said it was a “long and difficult time” for the country and the entire global tourism industry and cruise industry. ”“ It is a vital economic driver for our small country, ”he added.

In 2019, the Bahamas saw a record 5.4 million visitors arriving by cruise ship, with Royal Caribbean International leading the way with 2 million passengers. brought to the Atlantic archipelago. Passengers from cruise ships with a port of origin in Nassau arrive by air in the Atlantic capital and at the end of the journey return to disembark and return home by plane.

The adventure of the seas route Gives entrepreneurs in the Bahamas the opportunity to profit from the demand for tourism services, which brings together providers of supplies, excursions and attractions of all kinds. Prime Minister Minnis said Royal Caribbean’s decision to have Adventure of the Seas home port in Nassau is in line with the solid investment they have made in this destination for many years.

(With information from EFE)

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