The IACHR calls for the “immediate” release of opponents detained by the Ortega regime in Nicaragua


In the picture, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega (Photo: EFE)
In the picture, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega (Photo: EFE)

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) He called on Friday the authorities of Nicaragua a “Release immediately” to opponents arrested product of the repressive wave that the country is experiencing.

The IACHR “urges the State of Nicaragua to cease bullying opponents, including “human rights defenders, and”immediately release those who are arbitrarily detained “, asked the organ of the OAS on its Twitter account.

At least 136 dissidents from Daniel Ortega’s government are detained, of which 31 have been captured since last June, between them seven opposition presidential candidates which sought to compete in the elections of November 7, indicated the independent group “Mechanism for the recognition of political prisoners”.

Thursday, María Oviedo, a lawyer for the local NGO Permanent Commission for Human Rights (CPDH), was arrested., accused of “undermining the sovereignty” of the country, despite the provisional measures that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued in his favor on October 14, 2019, said the IACHR.

Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica demonstrate against Ortega's regime (Photo: Reuters)
Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica demonstrate against Ortega’s regime (Photo: Reuters)

On June 23, the President of the IACHR, Antonia Urrejola, denounced before the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) the existence of “A new phase of repression” in Nicaragua.

The Central American country has approved in recent months, at the initiative of the Ortega government, a set of laws that they limit freedom of expression and have been labeled “repressive” by the opposition.

One of them is the law of defense of the rights of the people and sovereignty, applied to several imprisoned opponents, which punishes with prison those who “undermine sovereignty», Promote foreign interference or support sanctions against Managua.

The Ortega government, for its part, accused its opponents of the OAS of “Mercenaries and sell homelands financed and managed by the United States” What are they looking for “re-edit“Failure “Rebellion” which he said happened during massive protests calling for the president’s resignation in 2018.

Ortega, a 75-year-old former Sandinista guerrilla, has not yet officially announced his candidacy, although his relatives and party propaganda visible in public places, they assume he will run for a fourth consecutive term.

The Sandinista leader ruled the country between 19791990, returned to power in 2007, where he remains after two consecutive re-elections, the last with his wife Rosario Murillo, as vice-president.

(With information from AFP)

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Former foreign minister and critical lawyer for Ortega arrested in Nicaragua

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