Bringing a child into the world not only means a great gift of love and affection, but also involves having to think about new expenses such as diapers, milk, clothes, among others. Halima Cisse she broke all records after giving birth to nine babies and her testimony about her new life still amazes.
Her story became known last May when the Moroccan announced that she was expecting a multiple pregnancy. He never imagined that nine children would be born: there were five women and four men and they were hospitalized for a long time.
// She was expecting septuplets, but no: she finally gave birth to nine babies and broke the “octomom” record.
At the time, Mali’s health ministry said in a statement that Cissé gave birth to five girls and four boys by Caesarean section. “Mother and babies are doing well so far”Malian Minister of Health Fanta Siby told AFP, adding that the Malian doctor who had accompanied Cisse to Morocco had kept her informed.
The nine sons of Halima They are healthy after being born weighing less than 1 kilogram. According to his account, the children were conceived naturally and he never imagined something like this would happen.
“When the babies arrived, my head filled with questions. I was very aware of what was going on and it looked like an endless river of babies coming out of me“he said in an interview at the time.
Today, three months after giving birth to the children, Cisse confessed that she still had not fully recovered from labor and only visited her children twice a day for 30 minutes so that she could bond with each of them.
“I feel very happy … It’s a nice gift”he told ABC News. Her husband, Abdelkader Arby, shared her sentiment and called their 9 children “a gift from God”.
Halima’s case is one of the rarest in the world. Non-tuple pregnancies are extremely rare and very risky. The children were born at week 30 and were able to survive after childbirth.
The Guinness Book of Records lists the largest multiple births in which the babies survived the American’s case Nadia Suleman, that in January 2009 gave birth to octuplets, so it is known as “Octomamá” or “Octomom”.
A few weeks ago, an Indian woman claimed that she gave birth to 10 children on June 8, but the only proof is her testimony. The news went through all the portals in the world but it was “fake news”. Ultimately Gosiame Sithole she was admitted to a new psychiatric hospital.
The incredible expenses to maintain non-tuples
Although the little ones are in very good health, Halima revealed in an interview that she spends around 100 diapers per day and 6 liters of formula feed the 9 babies.
Funny thing is, despite the exhausting present she lives with the kids, the woman hasn’t ruled out having more kids and continuing to add members to the super family.
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