Anita Pinochet will be investigated with her husband, the former chief of the Chilean army, for money laundering | They verified an increase in equity of 281% in 7 years


The wife of the former chief of the Chilean army Juan Miguel Fuente-Alba, Anita Maria Pinochet, will be investigated for alleged money laundering, after a lengthy investigation which revealed a 281% increase in your equity in seven years, you will therefore not be able to leave the country. Anita María Pinochet, who has no family ties to the dictator Augusto Pinochet, has been charged with her husband in the case known as “Milicogate”, for unjustified patrimony through the sums allocated by the copper law Reserve.

The investigation was opened in 2016, when it was reported that the former army chief would have personal wealth of around $ 1.7 million, which is inconsistent with income during of his career, who in the 2000s was a military attaché attached to the embassies of the United States and Argentina.

In February 2019, Military Prosecutor’s Office Judge Rommy Rutherford indicted them for use of reserved army funds, ordering his preventive detention to the military police battalion, which was then reduced to probation. Finally, during a hearing held this Friday, the prosecutor José Morales affirmed that The former military chief and his wife allegedly committed the offense of money laundering, “on several occasions”, between 2010 and 2016.

According to a long profile published in El Mostrador, in 2011, Anita Pinochet recorded some seven departures from Chile. Among them, according to case documentation, he would have spent $ 6,700 in a two-week stay in Paris, where he purchased clothes in exclusive stores, furniture and jewelry. The expenses were paid in cash on his credit card, which only had an international quota of $ 100.

In November last year, the State Defense Council (CDE) sued Anita María Pinochet, verifying that her assets had increased by 281% in seven years. The woman’s defense asked Santiago’s 7th Guarantee Court to declare the action inadmissible, which was dismissed by the court. At the hearing, prosecutor Morales listed the couple’s millionaire banking moves, both in pesos and dollars.

Morales asserted that “the accused and the accused with the money received as a result of the basic crime made a series of investments, contracts and for-profit efforts, succeeding in integrating it into the system. formal economic, violating the systems of preventive controls concerning money laundering. “.

The couple used eight modalities to launder money, including buying stocks, acquiring vehicles, and buying and selling real estate.. The prosecutor announced that, likely, next week, the prosecution will present a formal charge against the couple and then go to a hearing to prepare for the oral trial.


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