He remodeled his house and found a disturbing message written in 1975 under the wallpaper.


A family from Lancashire, in the UK, they had a big surprise when they decided to renovate their house. In one of the bedrooms on the property, they removed the wallpaper and They found a message written on the wall that was dated 1975, that is, more than four decades ago.

The Murphy family moved into their new home on Holly Bank Road in early 2021 and since then they have started to renovate the place. A few days ago, they set out to remove the original wallpaper that belonged to the previous owners from the walls of one of their daughters’ bedroom. When is it they were surprised by what they saw.

The message below the wallpaper. (Photo: www.lancs.live)

You could read on the wall: “I am here, you are there, separated only by time. How will the future be? Or am I the past?. You are my future, I am your past. I wish you a good day. 1975. And, to complete the message, there was a basic piece of information, the name of the author: Eileen Walmsley”.

Karl Murphy, the father, assured in statements to the site Live Lancs: “It was my daughter who saw the message for the first time. We were in her room and started removing the first layer of wallpaper when we found her. We tried to understand and that’s why i took a picture of him”.

But the case was not only in the discovery, since the family decided to investigate the author of the sentence and that is why shared on facebook the picture of the message on the wall to try to find it.

Not expecting a positive result, they were very surprised when a male friend of the previous owners of the house recognized the name and contacted Walmsley. Shortly after, the protagonist of the sentence appeared.

Eileen Walmsley was 15 when she left the message. (Photo: The Sun)

Eileen, who changed her last name to Palmer when she got married, is now 62, and she reached out to the Murphys also stunned by the message she wrote on this wall as a teenager. “I am very happy that they found out”, he told the aforementioned media outlet.

In this sense, he explained that he decided to leave the message because he knew that his family was going to line the wall: “I was about 14 or 15 when I wrote it. Back then I was thinking about time and time travel and how we’re all connected. And I thought, ‘I’m going to write a poem.’

In this way, the woman explained what motivated her to leave her mark on the wall of the bedroom she lived in, something that felt natural at the time but undoubtedly succeeded in causing astonishment. at the Murphy’s.

Eileen, 32, with her parents and young daughter outside their old home on Holly Bank Road. (Photo: www.lancs.live)

I remembered who I was back then. This house is a fundamental part of my life and I am very happy that they saw it and that it brought back so many memories to me, ”he added.

Eileen had lived there since she was 4 and the room the message was in was the one she shared with her sister. At the age of 18 he moved to Brighton to attend college and returned to his childhood home several times. There lived his parents Dorothy and Francis Walmsley, but after his death in 2017 and 2018 respectively, the property was put up for sale.


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