Scientists of the BioRescue consortium succeeded in creating 12 embryos of rnorthern white innoceros with the intention of saving this subspecies which is almost extinct.
In 2018 the last male died and they remain only two females around the world: Najin and his daughter Fatu, who are protected in the Ol Pejeta reserve, Kenya.
However, the scientists gametes preserved from several males before their disappearance. This way they have 12 rhino embryos, as shown in the account of Twitter of the reserve. The current problem is that it is impossible to implant them in Najin and Fatu, due to different medical issues.
Now the only option is look to the southern white rhinos. For this, females of this species will be selected to implant the embryos.
Richard Vigne, director of the Ol Pejeta reserve, pointed out that they are doing: “scientifically cutting edge things, by experimenting genetically with last white rhinos in the north of the planet: a lot of things can go wrong. No one wants it to be easy, but I think there’s a good chance it’ll be successful. “
The northern white rhinos they were found in South Sudan and Uganda and had few natural predators. They were driven to extinction by the supposed medicinal properties of their horn, which caused them to be hunted en masse.
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