More and more people are claiming to have had sex with aliens: are they better in bed? | the Chronicle


By Daniel Beylis
[email protected]

One of the most emblematic cases of the luxuriant casuistry of ufology like that of the Brazilian Antonio Vilas-Boas, who worked at night with his tractor in a field adjacent to his farm, was abducted by aliens. This case, from 1957, was one of the first because the farmer declared to have been subjected, on board a ship, to a sexual act with a strange “woman” who did not speak but “nibbled”.

The case was very notorious and, until his death, the Brazilian swore to believe that he had fathered a child with an alien. From this affair, of which more than 60 years have passed, until this time, much has happened in ufology. However, Sex between aliens and humans this is not an easy topic to deal with, although it has always been assumed that various higher races have experienced such hardships during their visit to our planet.

Even so, not everyone thinks it could happen, although cases like Vilas-Boas have recurred over time. The truth is that in the UK there are many Britons who believe they have had dealings with races from other worlds. Yes, as you read it. A new investigation has revealed that hundreds of the Queen’s subjects claim to have had relations with aliens.

Interspace sex

There are several people who have reported and claim to have had encounters with beings from other worlds, and there are almost three hundred cases recorded only in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, where people from different walks of life claim to be fell in love with an alien.

Amid the openings after the various lockdowns due to the extended lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, different investigations have been carried out, most of the participants from Norwich, in the English county of Norfolk, which is considered one of the hot spots of UFO activity, not only on the islands, but around the world. Second among citizens who reported having had sex with extraterrestrials the most were those of Bristol, who represent 23% of the total population believed to have had intimate relationships with extraterrestrials.

The people responsible for producing the surveys mention that the results are difficult to explain, but that the respondents have shown conviction in stating their experiences. One of the members who conducted the interviews, Abrams, made statements to the English newspaper Daily Star in which he expressed his point of view, which continued to leave them speechless.

Explained that “We were remarkably surprised to see how many people claim to have had intimate relationships with extraterrestrials, particularly in the cities of Norwich and Bristol”. The pollster added: “There must be something about these places that makes these experiences more common than the rest of the UK. Maybe they’re really there and that’s their way of communicating.”

Last month the British actress Abbie bela she had revealed to have a romantic relationship with an alien who had “kidnapped” her after suffering bad experiences with humans, and had even said that relations between species should be normalized.

british actress
Abbie bela claimed to have had sex with aliens

What is striking about this story is that Abbie revealed that the encounter took place after she wanted it and that she asked an alien to “kidnap” her because she was bored, in the middle of the pandemic from coronavirus. Shortly after, fully convinced and serious, the woman claimed to have been abducted by aliens.

¿Aliens are better off in bed?

A group of young people living in the United States and its members, as the Daily Mail newspaper reports, have had the “best sex” of their lives with these intergalactic beings and many claim to have given birth to a “hybrid” child, as he says. is often known to mix two breeds.

The group is known as the “hybrid baby community”, a group that claims that in total they have dozens of alien children who – to this day – live in gigantic spaceships across the world. the universe. Still according to the words of the young women, the objective of these beings from another planet would be to collect the DNA of the Earth to create superchildren for several years who combine the best qualities of humans and extraterrestrials.

The two women who represent the group say that aliens often abduct thousands of women to inseminate them artificially or through actual sexual encounter. To demonstrate her theory, this American usually draws pictures of her young. The woman claims to have had several hybrid children and to know women who have gone through the same thing.


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