Popular consultation on former presidents: on 23 reception tables, the ballots were canceled before the end of the day


At 23 reception tables, the ballots were canceled before the end of the day (Photo: Reuters / Toya Sarno Jordan)
At 23 reception tables, the ballots were canceled before the end of the day (Photo: Reuters / Toya Sarno Jordan)

Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, president of the National Electoral Institute (INE), updated the number of reception tables in which polls were canceled before the end of the popular consultation day 2021.

Via his Twitter account, the official announced that ballots were deactivated in 23 ballot boxes, a problem that was corrected when notifying the INE.

“At the close of the reception tables for the # ConsultaPopular2021, the number of tables where the ballots were deactivated before the close of the day has been updated to 23. This practice has been corrected as and ‘it was flagged and did not prevent those who wanted to participate from doing so “

The above after social media users will report canceled tickets during Democratic Day this Sunday.

For his part, the executive secretary of the INE during the popular consultation, Jacobo Molina, had admitted a few hours earlier that there had been four boxes where this practice was reported, an issue that goes against the operating rules established by the Institute itself.

“We have detected four cases in which polling station officials have started work that takes place after six in the afternoon, once the ballot is closed, which consists of deactivating the ballots that have not been used. , then proceed to count those who have been used. “

Regarding the INE rapid count results, it was reported that between 89.35 and 96.28% of the participants responded
Regarding the results of the INE rapid count, it was reported that between 89.35 and 96.28% of the participants answered “Yes” (Fotoarte: Infobae México)

According to information provided by the official, such behavior has been detected in Oaxaca, Mexico City and Michoacán.

Regarding the results of the INE rapid count, it was reported that between 89.35 and 96.28% of the participants answered “Yes”, while the reverse estimate was in a range of 1.38 to 1.58%. In addition to this, the electorate detailed that theCitizen participation in the popular consultation is between 7.07 and 7.74 percent. Meanwhile, the invalid votes could range from 2.29 to 9.21 percent.

However, Córdova Vianello called the 2021 popular consultation “successful” held this Sunday August 1st.

“Our country has lived today the first legal exercise of popular consultation at the national level in the history of our democracyToday, millions of Mexicans have been able to exercise their right to comment on an issue considered to be of national importance. Obviously, today’s popular consultation already represents a successful experience more Mexican democracy.

Lorenzo Córdova voted in the 2021 People's Consultation (Photo: Twitter @ lorenzocordovav)
Lorenzo Córdova voted in the 2021 People’s Consultation (Photo: Twitter @ lorenzocordovav)

It was successful for at least three reasons: first, because it is the first national consultation conducted with the same standards of technical quality, impartiality and integrity, with which the elections organized by the INE to renew the powers of constitutional laws. , that is, it is the first exercise carried out under article 135 of the constitution.

Second, because it is the popular consultation in which the largest number of voters participated in our history. Thirdly, because the issuance of the opinion took place with civility and calm throughout the country, ”he said.

The popular consultation to seek the opinion of the public on a possible investigative process and, in the event that clues are discovered that they have committed crimes, it is dealt with in accordance with the law of former public officials, mentioned as follows:

“Do you accept or not that the relevant actions are taken, in accordance with the constitutional and legal framework, to undertake a process of clarifying political decisions taken in recent years by political actors, aimed at guaranteeing justice and that of any victims? “.


In the absence of citizen participation, the popular consultation will not be binding
Minute by minute of the popular consultation: more than 89% answered “Yes”, according to the rapid count of the INE
Morena’s activism has closed ranks and boasted in networks that have already participated in the Popular Consultation

Information under development

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