“It would be hard not to hit her”: scandal in US Congress over commentary on Nancy Pelosi


Republican caucus leader Kevin McCarthy received calls on Sunday August 1 to apologize or quit after joking that “I could hit with a mallet” to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

At a Saturday night fundraising dinner in Tennessee, Mccarthy He spoke optimistically about the prospects for his party to regain control of the House in next year’s midterm elections.

At one point, participants presented him with a huge mallet so that he could hold it in his hands. This is what led him to joke that with this instrument in his possession, he would have a hard time resisting hitting Pelosi.

Pelosi McCarty Exabrupto
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with Republican Caucus Leader Kevin McCarthy.

“I want you to see Nancy Pelosi hand me that mallet.” It would be hard not to hit her with it. “ he said between cheers and laughter, according to details shared by a reporter from the Washington post and a local Nashville reporter who attended the event.

McCarthy’s comments were the latest sign of a deterioration in relations with Pelosi, who last week called his Republican counterpart as “imbecile” for opposing the use of masks to fight the covid-19 pandemic.

After the epidemic, Democrats pounced on McCarthy. Representative Ted Lieu, California, urged the Republican to apologize or resign, a call repeated by fellow California lawmaker Eric Swalwell.

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“Violence against women is no joke”Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez from New Mexico tweeted. Their outrage was shared by many lawmakers, who said “the threatening political violence is no joke”.

“These comments are misogynistic and dangerous”, wrote. Language like this has led to violence and death on the United States Capitol. @GOPLeader knows his words mean weight, ”said Representative Debbie Dingell of Michigan.

Dingell appeared to refer to the fierce language of then-President Donald Trump in a Jan.6 speech to a crowd that stormed Capitol Hill as Congress certified Joe Biden’s election victory.


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