Delta variant caused 85% of COVID-19 cases in CDMX


(Photo: Reuters / Gustavo Graf)
(Photo: Reuters / Gustavo Graf)

The Secretary of Health of Mexico, Oliva Lopez Arellano, revealed that, according to estimates, the Delta variant, first identified in India, is already the dominant variant in 85% of total COVID-19 cases in the capital Mexican.

“Two weeks ago she started her presentation and it is already the dominant variant of the sequencing which is carried out, we estimate that about 85% of COVID-19 cases are a Delta variant “, he said, insisting that the population continue to take care of them, not to lower their guard, to wear permanent face masks and especially do not go to crowded spaces.

The local health official explained that despite the fact that more variants were presented in the Mexican capital, such as the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, currently the hegemonic is the Indian variant.

On another side, spoke out in favor of returning to face-to-face classes, noting that due to a mental health issue there is a need to return to classrooms and move towards the new normal, as in terms of population it has been shown that children do not develop severe symptoms of viral disease.

(Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)
(Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae)

In this sense, the manager indicated that so far there are 12 minors hospitalized for said Delta variant, but luckily none are serious.

For his part, the Director of Digital Government of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation of CDMX (large), Eduardo Clark, pointed out that there is 5,000 active cases among the population of 0 to 17 years old.

Likewise, he pointed out that there was no exponential growth in infections over the past 10 days i.e. there was a moderation in the rate of cases. He even assured that last week there had been a stabilization of hospitalizations, which can mean that it starts a downtrend.

Information under development

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