Global alert: China isolates millions due to new epidemic in Wuhan, where coronavirus was “born”


China on alert for rapid and widespread new coronavirus infections, and to try slow down the spread of the Delta variant, decided to isolate again millions of inhabitants at home.

Like I’m a DJ seen, they also detected 7 infections in the city where the Covid-19 pandemic began at the end of 2019: Wuhan. “All seven have been identified as migrant workers”, cit Xinhua to health authorities.

For now, the contagious variant It has already been recorded in ten provinces and 27 cities in China.

On Monday, 1.2 million Chinese were isolated in Zhuzhou city, andn Hunan province, while for three days the authorities have been advancing with a campaign of tests and vaccinations. “The situation is still unclear and complicated“said Zhuzhou government.

In the Zhangjiajie tourist destination with its forest park, Friday they confined 1.5 million Chinese, after detecting an outbreak of Delta in July.

Mass tests in China, July 2021 – Europapress

The authorities of the capital, Beijing, has decided to “be extra vigilant, to take strict precautions and to defend (the city) until death, without sparing any expense”, the government of this metropolis has indicated that like other major Chinese cities, tested millions of people and isolated close contacts of those infected, by also closing off residences.

in addition, Beijing blocks the entry of tourists during the high season of the boreal summer.

The National Health Commission today reported that mainland China yesterday registered 55 new cases of local transmission of coronavirus and 43 imported cases. In total, confirmed cases on the mainland have reached 93,103.

Chinstrap in the Beijing subway – Europapress


And Delta’s impact is reaching the world’s second largest economy as well. In Jiangsu, the province with the second largest economic outputafter Guangdong in 2020, it is the most affected, since accounts for about 80% of confirmed cases.

China’s overall economy grew more slowly than expected in April-June, due to persistently high commodity prices, cautious consumer spending and a weak housing market.

“The Delta variant is the biggest test of China’s zero COVID strategy since the initial outbreak last year,” said Julian Evans-Pritchard of Capital Economics. “But given the country’s track record in dealing with the virus so far, we assume they will quell the outbreak before it gets out of hand. Of course, that will come at a financial cost.”


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