Covid 19: French President Emmanuel Macron uses Tik Tok and Instagram to convince those who have not been vaccinated


On vacation at Fort Brégançon, in the Var, Emmanuel Macron appears seated in front of a French flag, inviting questions about vaccination
On vacation at Fort Brégançon, in the Var, Emmanuel Macron appears seated in front of a French flag, inviting questions about vaccination

Government campaign to speed up COVID-19 vaccination in France continues prevent the fourth wave of the virus from growing even further. With this objective in mind, the French head of state wants to convince those who hesitate to vaccinate.

Emmanuel Macron wants to bet on proximity. Aimed especially at young people, in a short video and very informal, the president offers you to answer all your questions on the subject directly, to counter the “false information” and “false rumors” that are circulating.

While 42 million people have received at least one injection (i.e. 63.2% of the total population) and 35,472,139 people already have a complete immunization schedule (or 52.6% of the total population), the numbers are still not sufficient to stop the fourth wave of the country. The number of people with the disease hospitalized is increasing, Sunday, 7,581 against 7,409 the day before, according to Public Health France, and resuscitations reached 1,137, against 1,099 the day before.

On vacation at Fort Brégançon, in the Var, Emmanuel Macron showed a video where warns that vaccination is “the only weapon” in the face of the pandemic. “I know a lot of you are still wondering, scared, many hearing false information, false rumors, sometimes whatever you have to say, so I decided to answer your questions directly. Go ahead. , ask me and I will try to be as direct and clear as possible “, explained Emmanuel Macron.

The strategy is published the same day as the professor of immunology Alain Fischer, President of the Vaccine Strategy Guidance Council, he estimated that obtaining collective immunity, ie vaccination of 90% of the population over 12 years old, was “a possibility in early fall”.

Although “vaccination is progressing very quickly these days”, it is necessary to “Finish convincing those who, so far, have not been vaccinated” said the person who heads the body responsible for advising the government on its immunization strategy.

Strong mobilizations in France

Emmanuel Macron’s initiative is a response to the third mobilization consecutive last Saturday against him health card and a possible debate in Parliament to make Compulsory anti-Covid vaccine.

More than 200,000 people have turned to protest against restrictions, in some cases protests which resulted in incidents and arrests.

Protests against Macron's anti-covid measures gain weight and on Saturday they had their third call
Protests against Macron’s anti-covid measures gain weight and on Saturday they had their third call

The debate is so lively that Frédéric Valletoux, The president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF) said on Sunday that “we must go further in terms of vaccination”, adding that “we can no longer afford to take half measures”.

“Everywhere, the indicators are on the rise: the epidemic context shows us the limits of intermediate measures”, he declared. Emphasizing “the unprecedented speed of this fourth wave”, encourages the government to “Voluntarily assume this course of obligation.”

For many doctors, concerned about the evolution of the pandemic, the green pass is still in shambles, far from being an effective tool to stop the spread of COVID-19. Thus, several sectors claim that France is emerging from a “too individualistic approach” to become a “Pioneering country and initiating a global movement in favor of compulsory vaccination.”

To date, very few states in the world have made the coronavirus vaccine mandatory for all: Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and the Vatican.

Read on:

Here is how the health certificate approved in France will work

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