What does your dog do when left alone? This family recorded it and the video went viral


It is not news that dogs are pets and companions. While there are some who are used for work, hunting, running and some for guiding; most are pets of humans. This is why they learn to socialize from themselves and to copy their behaviors.

One dog Well socialized, learns to be calm and responsive when dealing with strangers, children, other pets and unforeseen situations. Used to behaving like people, he likes to be on sofas or even in bed. Some also sit at the table when the family is out for lunch or dinner.

In the United States, a family moved out, bought a new chair, and warned the dog that it couldn’t be used. Funny thing is when they checked the security cameras and noticed the animal’s behavior in their absence.

The camera had captured how his dog behaved when he was home alone. Although the animal did not approach the sofa in the presence of one of its owners, they noticed that it did so in their absence. Since they found it funny, they shared the video on social media, where it quickly went viral. There he collected thousands of views and likes from inactive internet users.

What happens when a dog is left alone at home?

While this family didn’t want their dog to climb and sleep on the new sofa, they don’t know how lucky he was. There are animals that don’t share themselves so calmly when they’re home alone, and they can’t even stand loneliness. Ideally, do not leave them for more than six hours and make sure a family member always comes back. Professionals recommend taking them for a walk before leaving the house, so that the dog remains calm when he is alone at home.

Golden Retriever with curly hair. (Photo: Adobe Stock).For: Pololie – stock.adobe.com

What are the most suitable dog breeds to be left alone?

The greyhounds They are very calm dogs so it is a perfect breed to be able to go to work and leave it alone at home. They still prefer to rest in places like the sofa or the owner’s bed, but they won’t do any damage when you return. Small breed dogs like him French bulldog, the Schnauzer or the Chihuahua they will gladly agree to be alone for a while. In any case, never forget before adopting or buying a pet that he needs some companionship and time by your side.

Chihuahua (Photo: Adobe Stock).For: BONZAMI Emmanuelle | cynoclub – stock.adobe.com


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