They release the woman who massacred the rapist of her son: the pedophile had 24 convictions for sex crimes against minors | the Chronicle


After spending more than three years in prison for killing his neighbor in the City of London with eight stab wounds for abusing his son, Sarah sands (38), is free and finally explains his version of the facts.

In 2015, a jury found the single mother of five guilty of the death of michael happy (77), who abused several minors in the neighborhood and one of them was her 12-year-old son, details the portal RT. In fact, investigative sources have confirmed that this topic had a record of 24 crimes against minors committed between 1970 and 1990.

The assailant had been registered under a different name – Pleasted changed his name at the turn of the century – which explains the ignorance of his criminal past.

The judge who sentenced Sands called the event “Manslaughter by loss of control” and sentenced her to three and a half years in prison. However, a year later, an appeals court extended the sentence to seven and a half years, ruling that she “Unduly indulgent.

The deceased had a full medical file (Archive).

“I never thought I would be able to. I’m not proud of him, but at least I know he can’t hurt anyone anymore. I’m not a bad person, even though I know I did something wrong. I never denied it and I suffered the punishment ”, said the woman who killed her neighbor in 2014 in an interview with The sun.

The mother also assured that “I will never kill again”, then “I don’t consider myself a murderer. But I don’t regret what I did. I was a desperate mother to protect my children. “

The woman said “she will no longer kill” (Twitter).


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