“I should have been vaccinated”: the heartbreaking message from a father before he died of the coronavirus


Despite the progress in the global vaccination, the covid-19 pandemic continues to ravage the entire planet with more than four million deaths and nearly 200 million cases. In this context, the stories that have been known from January 2020 to today are very harsh: from grandchildren who cannot see their grandparents at the last moment of their life, to parents who could not transfer their children across closed borders.

In United States a story was lived as special as it was raw, which clearly shows the importance of being vaccinated. Michael freedy, an American living in Las Vegas, deceased at 39 because of coronavirus. But the story doesn’t end there, because the man left a message for Jessica dupréez, his fiancée, before passing away.

“I should have been vaccinated”, he wrote Michael freedy, father of five children, in an SMS to his partner, before the doctors put him under sedation to stabilize his state of health. Unfortunately Freedy, after six days in intensive care, deceased.

Especially no family member had been vaccinated, arguing that they were concerned about the possible side effects who might have vaccines against covid19.

The story began during the vacation they decided to take Free with your partner Jessica DuPreez and her five children on the beaches of San Diego. There, the man who worked for a casino in Las Vegas she started to feel really bad from multiple sunburns which caused blisters all over her body.

One of the most shocking images of Michael Freedy, the American who died of the Coronavirus. (Photo: Jessica DuPreez).

After a few days in this situation, the family returned to Las Vegas and Freedy called her work to report that she was missing because the the pain in the skin wouldn’t let him move. But the symptoms didn’t end there, the man started to suffer chills, lack of sleep, and loss of appetite. After several days with the same symptoms, he was taken to hospital.

At the hospital, he was diagnosed with covid-19 and he was immediately admitted. On the sixth day of hospitalization, a pneumonia in both lungs and the doctors decided to intubate him. The 39-year-old was awarded the level highest oxygen available over several days, but it has not improved.

The dialogue he had with his fiancée

Jessica DuPreez, a pair of Michael freedyHe recounted the dialogue he had with him in the moments leading up to intubation. The first thing the woman revealed was that Freedy texted her to tell her “Hi baby! This is important. 911, 911, 911 ″, followed by “Okay, I tried. They will take me to the ICU. I love you so much with all that I am !!!! “.

Faced with such a situation DuPreez He called Mike before he was intubated and revealed what he said in the interview: “He told me he loved me and I told him that I love him a lot and s. ‘please fight and come home with me. It was the last time that I could hear his voice or communicate with him ”.

The bride of Free I was with him at the time of his death. A few days later, she spoke for American television with great dismay and said: “He is only 39 years old. Our babies no longer have a daddy. You cannot say that I am young and that it will not affect me because it will ”.

Michael Freedy died in Las Vegas, United States, at 39 years old with five children and his partner of the same age.


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