After failing Popular Consultation, AMLO maintains 52% approval: poll


Andrés Manuel López Obrador continues to be one of the most trusted presidents in the country's history (Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán)
Andrés Manuel López Obrador continues to be one of the most trusted presidents in the country’s history (Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán)

Andrés Manuel López Obrador came to the presidency of Mexico as one of the most approved by citizens. However, some controversies, comments and decisions within his government have has played in its falls and increases compared to this indicator.

The most recent was caused by the gas station stop this Tuesday, August 3, when they decided to stop supply and delivery because of the ceiling prices generated by the federal authorities.

Also, this week, the failure of Referendum sue the former presidents, which will not be binding due to the low turnout recorded and the low representation he had.

These actions have affected perceptions of the president in different ways, as while some people, including the opposition, have shown their unease through social media and press conferences, Mexicans have “upped” their approval for the month. ‘August.

Mexicans continue to endorse the AMLO government (Photo: Massive Caller)
Mexicans continue to endorse the AMLO government (Photo: Massive Caller)

According to the pollster Massive appeal, 52.2% of Mexicans approve of AMLO’s performance leader of the country, a percentage which increased by 0.4% compared to the previous month and decreased by 0.1% compared to August 2020.

However, a 39.2% of respondents assured that the work done by the federal executive is below expectations since taking office in 2018, when 33.2% of Mexicans have exceeded expectations.

This decline in the negative perception of the work carried out by López Obrador during his rule was also reflected in the way citizens observe the success of his actions, since 59% said it was not successful in general terms.

Most believe López Obrador's work has not been successful (Photo: Massive Caller)
Most believe López Obrador’s work has not been successful (Photo: Massive Caller)

Faced with specific questions about her fight against poverty and corruption, citizens remarked that she had also not done the best way, since 61.6% think they have not succeeded in reducing extreme poverty, and the 59% said corruption persists in the country.

Despite these poor results which have increased over the months, and despite the fact that 56.2% of people think they are not the leader Mexico needsThey continue to trust him and his tenure.

The report presented by the house of inquiry reflected that 56.3% of respondents think the AMLO government is democratic, but the rest (43.7%) indicated that it is bossy.

Over 50% of people would vote to keep AMLO as president (Photo: Massive Caller)
Over 50% of people would vote to keep AMLO as president (Photo: Massive Caller)

Although this did not affect the confidence placed in him, as the 51.5% said it is not a danger for Mexico, while 47.4% of people give them the keys to their house so that they can take care of it in case of absence.

Regarding political parties, respondents assured that closest to them is Morena (58.3%), followed by PAN (20.6%), PRI (10.8%), Movimiento Ciudadano (5%) and PRD (2.5%).

Ultimately, Massive appeal He recalled that in 2022 a referendum will be organized on the revocation of mandate to know if he resigns or remains, therefore 53.3% would vote to keep him in government, 40.4% would force him to resign and 6.3% still do not have a clear vote.

Given the data collected and the trends that have remained stable, as well as the volatility of the president’s decisions, it is unclear what the change in his approval will be over the following weeks. Anything can happen: a slip, a comment or a new national crisis. There is still time to find out.


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