He ordered a steak, distrusted the weight of the cut, and discovered the restaurant trap in five minutes.


Antoine Chacon He was not carried away by the seduction of a juicy steak on his plate. After ordering a portion of sirloin at a restaurant located in United States, wary of weight comparing what I saw with what the menu promised.

That’s why he left the Texas Roadhouse, a chain of gourmet barbecue places, to get to his vehicle, located in the parking lot. The took a scale he had bought and he returned to the table he shared with his family to check what he had observed. He used the object’s wrapper as a base and placed the meat on it.

Antonio Chacón is 22 years old and recounted his experience at a restaurant in Colorado, USA (Photo: Kennedy News and Media).

“My dad said ‘go get the scale we just bought.’ I caught it and I made sure to ask the senior manager if I could do this, because I would have felt disrespectful if I hadn’t. He laughed with the waiter first. I’ve eaten there before and know the portions, but never thought about weighing them, ”Chacón told local media after recounting the experience on his social media.

Chacon found that instead of 170 grams, the sirloin steak was only 100 grams. “I repeat: this was the first time this had happened and I hadn’t thought of weighing it before. I know a steak can shrink, but it shouldn’t shrink that much. It pissed me off. “

The incident happened on July 8, as the young man was celebrating his birthday with his family (Photo: Kennedy News and Media).

The 22-year-old revealed that the staff of the place kindly redone your meal And she even asked the chef to bring her to her table. “He looked a lot bigger and a lot better,” Chacón added.

The incident happened on July 8, and the steak ordered by Chacón was accompanied by fries and mashed potatoes. The photo, posted on his Twitter account, generated thousands of comments, retweets and likes.

Many users have noticed that what is stated in the menu details the weight of the uncooked portion. Others have taken the opposite position: the grams indicated must be those served on the plate. “I went there with my mom, dad, girlfriend, brothers and two daughters-in-law. They all laughed. I would definitely recommend others to do the same as me, ”Chacón said.

A user replied: Did you really take a scale to a restaurant? “. The young man has received countless unusual and disrespectful comments, such as one who asked him if he was using the scale to weigh drugs. Chacón added: “What they served me seemed to be a portion for the children. And I ordered an adult plate ”.


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