Finance revolution in the 90s and today it comes back with 10 rules to generate wealth that only 1% know


One of the most recognized authors in the world of financial education is without a doubt Robert kiyosaki, author of Bestseller published in 1997 “rich dad poor dad“and one of the most influential people in 21st century finance.

With this in mind, there is ten basic tips that Kiyosaki performs in every speech or writing he has, functioning as a sort of “commandments“with which to guide any investment to be made. They have the same tone as his book, focusing mainly on anecdotes or experiences for which he recommends these rules. The full list is as follows:

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Experience makes you smarter

As Kiyosaki explains, it is practice makes perfect. This is reflected in the world of investment, where after each experience one gains knowledge that can be applied in the future. While it is important to start with a bottom-up understanding, the reality is that the most successful people are those who have learned from mistakes made on the path to success.

The more you give, the more you will receive

As in the biblical precept, Kiyosaki assures that the one who does not have is because he does not give back what must be had. He sets an example with the “poor daddy“, ensuring that this character tends to criticize those who have not instead of trying to understand the why behind their situation, something that translates in how to solve their own problems.

The American author has 10 rules to be more successful.

Change the way you act

Many people tend to freeze in the face of pressure or a moment of stress, which leads to bad decisions to be made. With that, Kiyosaki calls for seizing the opportunity and using those moments as motivation, seeking to make more money in the process. To achieve this, it is essential to change your behavior in the face of times of tension.


One of the most controversial rules proposed by Kiyosaki is the method FOCUS (Follow One Course Until Successful), because it ensures that the same path must be maintained until success regardless. While it can work with careful investments, in the riskier ones, it is generally convenient not to follow it, while having several routes at the same time –diversify assets– is also a must.

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Opportunities come in hard times

The oriental origins of Kiyosaki -born in Hawaii and of Japanese descent – were very much reflected in his way of dealing with risk, which allowed him associate moments of crisis with opportunities for profit. This is how the businessman ensures that in a crisis it is necessary to act and seek to earn money, despite the risks that this may entail.

The key is knowing how to sell

The conception of the business that we are going to achieve must always be based on something that we know how to sell. If you have never worked with automobiles, then there is no point in making an automobile.. Kiyosaki assures us that this is the basis of a successful business, starting with knowing how to sell yourself and then being able to sell what you produce.

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Awareness of the work accomplished

Another of the bases of the popular writer is in the knowledge of the work done, that is, taking into account the difficulty with which we work to get things done. This can be done by seeing the fruits of the labor, setting clear goals, or simply knowing when to rest to see how he is progressing.

Don’t be afraid of losses

How it was established in the beginning, experience is the basis of success. And this is reflected in bad times, when the business is not working and money is lost. While many see these moments as the signal to give up, the ideal is to learn from them, to try again and to try not to make the mistakes of the past.

Kiyosaki is one of the most successful authors in the world of financial education.

Assets are the foundation of wealth

According to Kiyosaki, it is essential to have assets in order to be able to enrich oneself, since according to him “money attracts more money“With this in mind, knowing the rules of the financial market, how the different assets work, in which to invest and in which to sell.

Reinvestment for excess savings

Finally, the American writer assures that the mentality of seeking to reinvest the assets that one obtains is one that allows to have significant profits. For this, it is important to change the idea of ​​”i can’t pay this“For the following question:”How can I pay off this debt without debt legally?“.


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