The keys to the protocol that Chile will follow to vaccinate those over 55 with a third dose from next week


A nurse administers a vaccine against covid-19 to an elderly person at a mass vaccination center located in the town of La Florida, Santiago (Chile).  EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives
A nurse administers a vaccine against covid-19 to an elderly person at a mass vaccination center located in the town of La Florida, Santiago (Chile). EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives

Chilean health authorities have reported in recent hours that From Wednesday, August 11, the vaccination of the third booster dose will begin against the coronavirus for vaccinated people over the age of 55 in the country.

This was communicated by the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, who argued that After a series of studies and expert opinions, it was decided to resort to a heterologous effort. This means that different types of Covid-19 vaccines will be combined for different age groups.

That is, the Chilean government will use a mixed booster program with vaccines such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac to increase the immune response of the inoculated.

President Piñera clarified that the decision was founded largely after having learned of the first advances of a study carried out at the Central Post Office, located in Santiago. There the mixed regimen was on trial, and after the positive results he decided on it.

“Taking into account the evolution over time of the efficacy of vaccines and the risk posed by the Delta variant, and after having received the recommendations of the most qualified experts we decided to start strengthening vaccination “explained the head of state.

In addition, it was explained that the use of this triple regime This will help not to stick with a single supplier and will also expand the contract possibilities. to ensure the doses necessary for this new stage of vaccination.

“In recent weeks we have worked hard to expand agreements and contracts that guarantee vaccine supply with the various laboratories around the world to ensure all the doses necessary not only for the strengthening process but also continue to immunize adolescents and start the process of immunizing children “Piñera said.

When does it start and who benefits

The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera.  EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives
The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera. EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives

From August 11, the application of the third dose will begin for people over 85 who already have two doses of Sinovac and which were applied between March 1 and March 14. The schedule will be by age and for now it only takes into account people over 55 who are immunized with CoronaVac.

This group will be inoculated with the AstraZeneca vaccine while people who are immunocompromised from the age of 16 and who have their full immunization schedule until May 31 will be inoculated with Pfizer.

As, on Thursday August 12, it will be the turn of the vaccination for people of 82 and 85 years old, while on Friday August 13 People between 79 and 81 years old should be inoculated with their third dose of age.

The schedule will continue to the following week from August 16 to Friday 20 with the vaccination of people aged between 78 and 55 years. In this way, about 2 million people aged 55 and over should be vaccinated with booster doses during the first days of the diet.

Call for latecomers and new vaccines

During the daily report of the pandemic this Thursday, The President again urged the nearly one million people who have yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19 participate in the mass vaccination campaign.

I strongly urge latecomers to get vaccinated as soon as possible, and not continue to put not only your own health at risk, but also the health of your family members, colleagues and members of your community. After all, no one is really safe until all of us are.», Declared the head of state.

On the other hand, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, also pointed out that The vaccines are expected to continue to arrive in the country in the coming days. For this reason, he explained that as of July 22, 6,024,700 doses of COVID-19 vaccine will arrive in the country.

Until Thursday, August 5, Chile had 13,352,574 people vaccinated with their first dose, which represents 87.84% of the target population. While 12,206,947 inhabitants have already completed their inoculation process with the two doses.


Chile will allow its citizens and foreign residents with the full vaccination schedule to enter and leave the country without restrictions
Chile has achieved its first goal: it has already vaccinated 80% of its population over 18 with two doses

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